Definition of



How the Egyptian pyramids were built is a great enigma.

The term enigma comes from the Latin aenigma , which in turn has its origin in a word from the Greek language. It is about the saying or thing that cannot be understood or that cannot be interpreted . An enigma is also a set of words with a hidden meaning so that the message is difficult to understand.

The enigma, therefore, is a mystery , since it is something that cannot be explained or that cannot be discovered. If the explanation of the enigma comes to light, the fact or thing in question ceases to be an enigma since its understanding becomes accessible to all people .

There are several enigmas that have not yet been able to be deciphered and that have sparked numerous investigations throughout entire centuries. One of the most popular enigmas is related to the construction of the Egyptian pyramids . Historians cannot confirm how the materials were moved to the desert or what mechanism was used for the development of the structures.

The enigma of Atlantis

Without a doubt, few enigmas can surpass the popularity and tireless research work surrounding the mythical island known as Atlantis . In principle, there are descriptions of said island in Plato's works titled Timaeus and Critias ; In them, a disciple of the great Socrates narrates how the Athenians defeated the Atlantic empire nine millennia earlier, according to what his grandfather had told him, to whom it had been transmitted by a legislator from Athens named Solon.

When referring to the island, he places it beyond the current Strait of Gibraltar, in the waters of the Mediterranean Sea, and assures that a strong earthquake and a catastrophic rain buried it in the sea forever . Before this defeat by the Athenians and their supposed disappearance, which took place in just one day, it is said that the Atlanteans had dominated a large part of European soil and the north of the African continent.

An endless search

Given that the writings of the Greek philosopher show great precision and refer to the events narrated as true, many scholars took them as a starting point to carry out various investigations in search of Atlantis, especially during the era of Romanticism. Analyzes carried out in recent decades point out, however, that there are several inconsistencies in numerical data, such as dates or dimensions; In this way, it is known that it is not possible to use these documents as literal sources of the facts .

One of the possibilities that are admitted is that it is a myth built on a truthful basis; But the truth is that the search for the remains of the island does not stop. In recent years, for example, a theory was developed that places Atlantis under a mud formation in southern Spain. On the other hand, it is worth mentioning that this missing giant , regardless of the veracity of its existence, has inspired numerous artists of various genres to create works that undeniably enriched our culture.


The true identity of William Shakespeare is, for many, an enigma.

Identity enigmas: Jack the Ripper and William Shakespeare

Another unsolved enigma is the identity of Jack the Ripper , a serial killer who spread panic in London during 1888 . There are theories that speak of a surgeon, a doctor or a butcher, since the five victims attributed to this criminal had ablations performed with precision.

Some enigmas arise over time , as is the case of the existence of William Shakespeare . More than a century after his (supposed) death, versions began to emerge claiming that Shakespeare never existed, but was the pseudonym of some other writer of the time.