Definition of



A doubt is an indeterminacy between two judgments or decisions.

A doubt is an indeterminacy between two decisions or two judgments . It is a hesitation that can be experienced when faced with a fact, news or belief. For example: “The official version of this story raises a lot of doubts in me,” “Teacher, I have a doubt regarding the topic you just explained,” “There is no doubt: he is a great player who will benefit the team.”

Doubt supposes a state of uncertainty : where there are doubts there are no certainties. If a person doubts something, he is not sure of the validity of that question. Doubt is a limit to trust since, where there is doubt, there is no belief in the truth of knowledge .

Doubt concept

Doubt can affect a belief or thought or be projected into action. A man can doubt his wife's fidelity and continue acting unchanged, or he can transform that doubt into a decision and bring the problem to the woman.

In other cases, doubt may imply a suspension of the decision: “I was planning to invest my savings in a field but now I have a doubt: will it be a good decision in this economic context?”


Doubt can be associated with uncertainty.

The term in philosophy

Philosophers emphasize that, when a doubt is accepted as ignorance (the subject doubts because he does not know or, at least, lacks certainties), it can become a source of knowledge since it drives reflection, study and research.

Starting from everything we have analyzed so far, we have to make it clear that what is known as philosophical doubt exists. It is a term that is used to define that period in which a person, absolutely voluntarily, decides to suspend the trial with the clear objective of being able to carry out a process of coordination of both the knowledge and the that he has as well as his ideas regarding a specific topic.

On the other hand, we cannot ignore the fact that it is also common for us to speak within the philosophical field of what is known as unleashing doubt . Specifically, with this verbal expression what is trying to be expressed is that someone is providing a solution to a specific issue.

It should be noted that René Descartes used to be called the philosopher of doubt since he refused to accept anything that could be doubted from a rational point of view.

Benefit of the doubt

In the field of law there is also another verbal phrase that uses the term we are addressing now.

We are referring to the expression benefit of the doubt , which refers to the acquittal of an accused carried out by a judge because he considers that there is no solid evidence that could prove his guilt.

Sergio Paulo Barbosa Valente

In addition to all the above, we cannot ignore that there is an important footballer who is known as Duda.

We are referring to the Portuguese Sergio Paulo Barbosa Valente who usually played in the left winger position and who has played for various European clubs such as Vitoria de Guimaraes , Cádiz , Sevilla and Málaga . Duda retired from professional football in 2017 .