Definition of


Lack of attachment

Detachment invites us to let go of beliefs, beings, guilt and resentments, to live in the present, to cultivate forgiveness, to remove burdens linked to fear and insecurity and to let flow everything that contributes to an authentic, free and light life.

Detachment is a concept derived from the idea of ​​detaching, a verb that describes a detachment , distancing or distancing in terms of interest or affection .

Those who recommend putting detachment into practice in everyday life claim that one lives better, with more freedom and with fewer burdens if one does not develop emotional attachment . Not being "attached" to ties or objects and learning to let go of the past and everything that does not contribute to generating tranquility and fulfillment in the present , say the defenders of detachment , leads to better adaptability and to gaining independence , for example.

To achieve emotional autonomy , according to specialists in emotions, behaviors and thoughts, it is advisable, first of all, to strengthen self-esteem , have personal motivations , work on acceptance , know oneself internally and achieve a balance both mentally and emotionally so that external stimuli do not affect or condition – seriously or deeply – individual decisions, feelings or actions.

Characteristics of detachment

Detachment at the level of human ties, those that are forged between relatives, friends and loved ones, should not be interpreted as a sign of lack of love , disaffection or disinterest , but rather as the decision and the will to form relationships that are based on mutual understanding , respect , tolerance and freedom .

From the perspective of certain creeds, religious doctrines and spiritual currents, detachment is the path, or the solution, to embrace spiritual well-being , inner peace and serenity in all aspects. For this reason, in Hinduism, it is encouraged to live in the here and now (that is, the present moment ) with responsibility and an active attitude without devoting energy to attachment to material things, in addition to encouraging one to get rid of worries and thoughts concerning the past or the future. Buddhism , on the other hand, understands that it is essential to incorporate detachment (not clinging to anything or anyone) and cultivate gratitude if one yearns for happiness without ties or conditions.

Advantages and disadvantages

Gathering enough courage to modify behaviors, habits and lifestyles in pursuit of a detachment that leads to breaking chains and achieving a certain distance from beings, situations or elements in order to clarify ideas and think objectively is part of a long and, almost always, complex and difficult process.

To advance along the path of detachment requires will , determination , courage , perseverance and patience because just as there are advantages , there are also obstacles and disadvantages .


Detachment encourages us to lead an independent life, in freedom and without letting emotions or the gaze of others condition, affect or influence in any way our decisions or personal choices.

This practice, according to those who propose it worldwide because they are convinced of the benefits it brings, is a great resource to face, understand and cope with losses; it helps one not to fear loneliness ; it allows one to get rid of toxic or harmful ties and attracts happiness .

Detachment , according to theoretical guidelines, promotes authenticity and encourages freeing oneself from ties that only cause submission , dependence , pressure and frustration every time one's own or others' expectations are not met.

This concept does not imply having to give up all ties and material goods , but rather pushes us to become aware of the way in which we relate with the purpose of understanding that we live better, and more lightly, when we lack the obligation, need or mandate of having to (or wanting to) control and possess as much as possible.

Of course, it is important to find a balance to achieve a healthy detachment , since an excess in the intention to achieve material detachment or to rely on self-sufficiency can generate negative consequences. It is not good to reach the limit of social isolation or to choose to close in on oneself without being able to establish or maintain personal ties, express emotions, etc.

Humans are not robots: while it is advisable to lead a simple, peaceful and unconstrained life , we must also show empathy and commitment at a collective level and satisfy basic needs .

Classes of detachment

There are many kinds of detachment . Learning to recognize what each one consists of favors choices and decisions oriented toward what to do in order to try to live better and more fully .

Emotional detachment , specifically, is worked on by trying to distance oneself and separate oneself as much as possible from ties and situations. It is not about insensitivity or curbing (or nullifying) emotions , but rather the proposal is to prevent one's mood or personal dispositions from being dominated by what one feels, in addition to encouraging enjoyment and taking advantage of the present without needing someone's approval or reaction to be happy.


Detachment proposes living without clinging excessively to anything or anyone, not depending on any object or individual to be happy and to be able to achieve personal and professional fulfillment with freedom, security and autonomy.

Digital detachment , meanwhile, refers to a necessary practice in times of so much technological dependence . The objective of this strategy is not to completely give up the use of electronic devices, but to give yourself a break to take care of your mental health by minimizing the levels of stress and anxiety that skyrocket, for example, when you live dependent on virtual communications, social media posts, mobile phone notifications, etc.

Detachment from expectations , detachment from results and material detachment are other categories that call for appeasing the ego , not living pending on what others will say and not being attached to things, ideas, illusions, people or hopes, among others.