Definition of



Someone educated has knowledge coming from culture or instruction.

Cult is a term that comes from the Latin cultus and has several uses and meanings. As an adjective, the concept allows us to name someone who is endowed with knowledge that comes from instruction or culture . In this sense, rudeness, vulgarity, obscenities and all those issues that reveal a cultural lack are opposed to the notion of cult.

For example: "Don Ramírez is a very cultured man who reads a book a week" , "In the middle of a job interview you should express yourself with cultured language and avoid rude terms" , "This is a cultured town since it has been more than a decade that regulated compulsory secondary education» .

Worship as homage

A cult is also an external tribute that the Christian dedicates to God , the Virgin or the saints . The cult is made up of the rites and ceremonies with which said tribute is paid: "Juan professes an unusual Umbanda cult in these lands" , "The Secretary of Cult of the Nation reported that the patron saint festivities will take place at the end of the month with events in various parts of the country .

However, we must not overlook the fact that not only are homage or honors paid to virgins and saints, but the same is also done to other beings. Thus, for example, when those are performed for the angels, it is what is known as a dulia cult .

On the other hand, there is also the cult of latría , which is the one carried out in honor of God, and finally we find what is known as external worship . This basically differs from the previous ones not because of who it is addressed to but because of the fact that it is based on very specific pillars such as sacrifices, processions or even offerings of a very diverse nature.


An external tribute dedicated to a divinity, a saint or another religious figure is called a cult.

Freedom and tolerance

What all of this gives rise to is another very important term within the religious field and which is closely related to everything explained. We are referring to freedom of religion , which is the right that is recognized for people to participate in the entire set of acts that are carried out publicly within what would be the religion they profess.

In the same way, we cannot ignore that there is what is called tolerance of cults . In its case, it becomes a right that makes it clear that any individual has total freedom, as established by the pertinent law, to be able to carry out within his or her home, privately, all those acts that do not belong to the religion that is considered the official one of the country in which you live.

Other uses of the term cult

The cult is, on the other hand, the admiration of certain things : "The singer worshiped youth in his new album, with lyrics about those happy years," "The landscapes of the province constitute a cult of beauty." and to nature" , "Some people seem to worship stupidity and reward the most degrading proposals" .

Cult, finally, can be used as a synonym for cultivation to refer to cultivated plants or lands.