Definition of



Physical traits are valued qualities in a model.

Qualities are the characteristics that distinguish and define people, living beings in general and things. The term comes from the Latin qualitas and refers to the way someone or something is.

A quality can be a natural and innate characteristic or something acquired over time . When the concept is linked to human beings, the qualities are usually positive . For example: “Luis always showed qualities of a good person: I don't think he was the author of the crime,” “María Laura needs to improve her qualities as a speaker if she wants to work in the sales area.”

The qualities of the objects, on the other hand, are related to physical or chemical properties : “This jacket is suitable for the polar cold since it has important qualities: it is waterproof and keeps the body warm thanks to its materials.”

Types of qualities

These examples allow us to observe that qualities can be objective or subjective . If a jacket does not allow water and humidity to pass through, it is waterproof: this quality is objective because it cannot be doubted since it obeys a concrete reality. On the other hand, María Laura's qualities as a speaker are classified as subjective because they can be debatable and be very good for one person while not for another.

Qualities, therefore, can be linked to quality or a certain level of excellence. These cases acquire their specificity from the comparison and involve a subjective appreciation since they depend on the observer's point of view.


Leadership ability and proactivity are among the qualities of a good executive.

The concept in philosophy

If we refer to what Aristotle wrote about this concept, we can say that quality is a particularity that allows us to understand the essence of an object or subject . In this way, the human being, by walking on two legs, has the quality of a biped, while a horse, by standing on four, has the quality of a quadruped.

In all aspects of reality there are qualities since all living or immobile beings have distinctive characteristics. For example, within mathematical beings there are also particularities that differentiate them from each other. In this way, the expression quality can be applied to that essence of the number that is not related to its quantity.

Aristotle also said that the attributes of certain moving substances, such as heat and cold, and all those conditions that could cover bodies and transform them in a particular sense could be considered as qualities .

He also expressed that reference could be made to the qualities of a person, being able to distinguish between virtue and vice ; that is, the way in which the individual experiences good and evil.


Qualities such as loyalty and sincerity are important to establish healthy social and emotional bonds.

Examples of qualities

As can be seen, the concept of quality is very broad. For example, the qualities of a human being can be associated with their personality, temperament or character, but also with their physical abilities. Honesty , empathy , resilience , generosity , strength and flexibility are possible qualities.

It is common, however, for the idea to be mainly associated with values ​​or virtues. Kindness , humility and tolerance can be mentioned as qualities that exalt a subject.

If we focus on athletes, the qualities that are considered most relevant are those skills and talents that allow them to excel in professional skills, such as responsibility (to comply with training), self-discipline (to avoid temptations and lead a healthy life). healthy) and perseverance (to overcome possible injuries or adverse outcomes). If we think about artists, creativity , curiosity , innovation and sensitivity are among the essential qualities.

In the case of objects, the qualities are usually linked to their technical performance or design. Among the qualities of a cell phone (mobile) we can highlight the resolution of its photographic cameras; Of a car, a notable quality can be its autonomy (the kilometers it can travel without needing to refuel).

Particularities of the sound

In the field of music , the concept of sound qualities refers to the particularities of sound waves audible to the human ear. There can be four of them:

  • Height or pitch : It is determined by the frequency of the wave, which is measured in cycles per second (hertz). Those waves that are found in the range from 20 to 20,000 Hz are known as sounds, those below that range are infrasounds and above, ultrasounds.
  • Intensity : lets you know if the sound is loud or weak. This quality can be measured through the sound level meter and its results are expressed in decibels (dB).
  • Duration : refers to the time in which objects vibrate, producing long or short sounds.
  • Timbre : it is what allows us to know the source from which the sound comes. Just as each material vibrates in a different way, the sounds they produce are also particular. In this way, a melody can have a different timbre depending on the instrument that plays it.