Definition of


Before proceeding to know the meaning of the term convent, it is necessary to proceed to discover its etymological origin. In this case, we have to explain that it derives from Latin, exactly from “conventus”, which can be translated as “meeting” or “congregation”. Word that emanates from the verb “convenire”.

It came to Castilian as a convent . This is the name given to the place where religious men and women live together according to the rules established by their institute.

ConventA convent, therefore, is a monastery or a dwelling for clerics . The origin of the term is linked to the assembly where Roman citizens gathered to discuss various judicial or administrative issues. Over time , the concept came to be used with reference to religious life.

Convents are establishments where religious people live in community . Those who live in a convent, beyond this choice, maintain a bond with those who reside outside the building, unlike what happens with cloistered regimes.

The construction of convents became frequent since the 13th century , when cities began to consolidate and religious people wanted to settle in that type of city without moving away from the people. Generally, convents had a church or chapel, a meeting room, a dining room and the different cells of the religious.

The Convento de la Santo Domingo , in the Spanish city of Plasencia , is an example of this kind of place. It was created in the 15th century , annexed to the palace of the counts of Plasencia . The late Gothic style building is currently the headquarters of the Parador Nacional de Plasencia .

Another example is the Cuilápam Convent , in the Mexican town of Cuilápam de Guerrero . Its construction took place in the 16th century .

It is important to know that there are different types of convents and among them the cloistered ones stand out. The nuns live in the cloistered convents and, among other fundamental rules, have the obligation not to leave them. Furthermore, it so happens that they should not allow people from outside to enter the convent either.

In this way, they are “retired” from the outside, secluded and spend their lives within the walls of those convents where they dedicate themselves to praying and working. Above all, the first thing is that this type of convent makes sense because it is considered that the fact of being cloistered facilitates and favors the existence of a climate of prayer and meditation in which mystical union with God is more possible.

In the world there are many convents of this type that exist, highlighting, for example, that of Perpetual Adoration which is in Berga (Barcelona) and where the Perpetual Adorers of the Blessed Sacrament reside or that of the Immaculate Conception, which is located in León and which welcomes the Franciscan Conceptionist sisters. Not forgetting that of Santa Clara de Valladolid, where the Discalced Carmelites live, or that of Our Lady of Consolation of Palencia, where the Franciscan Poor Clares reside.