Sustainable development
- Paris Agreement
- Energy efficiency
- Solar energy
- wind energy
- Hydroelectric power
- Sustainable agriculture
- organic farming
- Circular economy
- Responsible consumption
- Recycling
- Waste management
- Water pollution
- air pollution
- Climate change
- Global warming
- Deforestation
- Reforestation
- Sustainable mobility
- Public transport
- Sustainable tourism
- fair trade
- Green economy
- Blue economy
- Bioeconomy
- Social justice
- Gender equality
- Food safety
- carbon footprint
- Environmental protection
- Climate change mitigation
- Citizen participation
- Rights of indigenous peoples
- Geothermal energy
- Food sovereignty
- collaborative economy
- Water conservation ▼
- Recycling
Responsible consumption
- Sustainability
- Environment
- Renewable energy
- Organic farming
- Social responsibility
- Sustainable development
- Biodiversity
- Waste reduction
- Bioconstruction
- Water conservation
- Regenerative agriculture
- Urban agriculture
- healthy eating
- Environmental education
- Sustainable fashion
- Ethical banking
- Rural development
- Environmental activism
- animal rights
- Veganism
- Environmental legislation
- Green energy
- Sustainable transport
- clean energy
- Energy saving
- Urban garden
carbon footprint
- Greenhouse effect
- Greenhouse gases
- Methane
- fossil fuel
- Oil
- Natural gas
- Coal
- Transport
- Aviation
- Agriculture
- Food industry
- Cattle raising
- Bioenergy
- carbon credits
- Kyoto Protocol
- Nuclear power
- ecological footprint
- Soil pollution
- Thermal insulation
- Soil degradation
- Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
- Energy transition
- Climate justice
- Overfishing
- fair trade ▼
- Sustainable agriculture ▼
Energy efficiency
- Energy
- Biomass
- Isolation
- Telecommuting
- Distributed generation
- Cogeneration
- LEED Certification
- Biogas
- Kinetic energy
- Potential energy
- thermal energy
- mechanical energy
- chemical energy
- Electrical energy
- Heat
- Light
- Sound
- dark energy
- ionization energy
- Activation energy
- binding energy
- Gibbs free energy
- internal energy
- Biodiversity ▼
- Climate change ▼
- Circular economy ▼
- Environmental education ▼
- Reforestation ▼
- Global warming ▼
- Sustainable mobility ▼
- Ecology ▼
- Sustainable tourism
- Solar energy ▼
- wind energy ▼
- Hydroelectric power ▼
- organic farming ▼
- Bioconstruction ▼
- Permaculture ▼
- Public transport ▼
- Deforestation ▼
- Desertification ▼
- Overfishing ▼
- air pollution ▼
- Water pollution ▼
- Soil pollution ▼
- Food waste
- Food safety ▼
- Blue economy ▼
- Green economy ▼
- Climate justice ▼
- animal rights ▼
- Geothermal ▼
- Environmental policy ▼
- Paris Agreement ▼
- speciesism ▼
- Nuclear power ▼
- Environmental impact ▼
- LEED Certification ▼
- Soil erosion ▼
- Veganism ▼
- Energy transition
Sustainable development
Town planning
- City ▼
- public space ▼
- Urban planning ▼
- Infrastructure ▼
- Dwelling ▼
- Urbanization ▼
- Landscaping ▼
- Urban mobility ▼
- Sustainability
- Environment ▼
- Parking lot ▼
- Street ▼
- Avenue ▼
- Neighborhood ▼
- Demography
- Census
- Birth rate
- Mortality rate
- Fertility rate
- Population density
- Population growth
- Migration
- Immigration
- Emigration
- Asylum
- Nationality
- Citizenship
- Integration
- Multiculturalism
- Pluralism
- Human geography
- human development
- Education
- Literacy
- Health
- Infant mortality
- Vaccination
- Unemployment
- Labor market
- Active population
- Economy
- Income
- Social security
- Overcrowding
- Sanitation
- Family planning
- Fertility
- Minority rights
- Racial discrimination
- Gender discrimination
- Globalization
- Diaspora
- Social cohesion
- Coexistence
- Cultural identity
- Cultural heritage
- Cultural diversity
- Capital
- Metropolis
- Inhabitant
- Resident
- Birth
- Birth
- Province
- State
- Region
- Country
- national territory
- Ethnicity
- Refugee
- Skyscraper ▼
- Traffic ▼
- Pollution ▼
- District ▼
- Accessibility ▼
- Architect ▼
- Social housing
- Town hall ▼
- Quality of life ▼
- Gentrification ▼
- Topography ▼
- Renewable energy ▼
- Zoning ▼
- Landscaping ▼
Energy efficiency
- Energy ▼
- Geothermal energy ▼
- Biomass ▼
- Energy saving ▼
- Isolation ▼
- Telecommuting ▼
- Distributed generation
- Cogeneration ▼
- Oil ▼
- Natural gas ▼
- Coal ▼
- Biogas ▼
Kinetic energy
- Physics
- Motion
- Acceleration
- Mass
- Force
- Moment
- Inertia
- Newton's laws
- Impulse
- Friction
- Pascal's Principle
- Archimedes principle
- Hooke's Law
- Ohm's Law
- Dynamic
- Static
- Kinematics
- Oscillation
- Electromagnetic spectrum
- Pendulum
- Spring
- Rotation
- Translation
- Classic mechanics
- Quantum mechanics
- Gyroscope
- centrifugal force
- Flight
- Space-time
- black hole
- Big Bang
- dark matter
- doppler effect
- Wavelength
- Frequency
- Amplitude
- Atom
- Molecule
- Potential energy
- thermal energy ▼
- mechanical energy ▼
- chemical energy ▼
- Electrical energy ▼
- Heat ▼
- Light ▼
- Sound ▼
- dark energy ▼
ionization energy
- Ion
- Electron
- atomic nucleus
- Energy levels
- X-ray
- Chemical element
- atomic physics
- Pauli exclusion principle
- Heisenberg uncertainty principle
- Atomic number
- electrical potential
- electric charge
- electric field
- Spectroscopy
- Atomic mass
- Electronic configuration
- Electronegativity
- atomic radius
- Entropy
- Metal link
- hydrogen bond
- Wave-particle duality
- organic chemistry
- inorganic chemistry
- Biochemistry
- Enthalpy
- Coulomb's law
- Oxidation
- Reduction
- Boyle's Law
- Charles's Law
- Pressure
- Concentration
- Solvent
- Dissolution
Activation energy
- Chemical kinetics
- Catalyst
- reaction speed
- Hatching
- Chemical balance
- equilibrium constant
- PH
- exothermic reaction
- Endothermic reaction
- Spontaneity
- Isothermal process
- Planck constant
- Electromagnetic radiation
- Ionization
- Electrolytes
- Solvent
- Solute
- Solubility
- Boiling point
- Melting point
- Critical point
- Raoult's Law
- Intermolecular forces
- binding energy ▼
- Gibbs free energy ▼
- internal energy ▼
- public space ▼
- Zoning ▼
- Social housing
- Urban planning ▼
- Thermal insulation ▼
Project management
- Scope
- Budget
- Calendar
- Equipment
- Coordination
- Communication
- Collaboration
- Documentation
- Monitoring
- Control
- Assessment
- Quality
- Investigation
- Development
- Validation
- Delivery
- Launch
- Maintenance
- Medium
- Training
- Equipment
- Compliance
- Networking
- Marketing
- Marketing
- Growth
- Scalability
- Competence
- Value proposition
- Business model
- Profitability
- Learning
- Management
- Execution
- Aim
- Schedule
- Risk
- Customer
- Proof
- Improvement
- Proposal
- Meeting
- Presentation
- Software
- Hardware
- Performance
- Progress
- Report
- Feedback
- Cooperation
- Audit
- Negotiation
- Change management
- Viability
- Ethics
- Confidentiality
- Data protection
- Committee
- risk assessment
- Impact
- Organizational change
- Quality control
Continuous improvement
- Kaizen
- six sigma
- ISO 9001
- Kanban
- Creativity
- Leadership
- Organizational culture
- Internal audit
- Feedback
- Motivation
- Teamwork
- Internal communication
- decision making
- Added value
- Customer service
- Customer satisfaction
- Productivity
- Automation
- Digitization
- Digital transformation
- information technology
- Intellectual property
- Diversification
- Competitor analysis
- Competitive advantage
- Advertising
- Public relations
- time management ▼
- Cost control ▼
- Risk analysis ▼
- Negotiation ▼
Change management
- Transformational leadership
- Organizational development
- Human resources
- Knowledge management
- chaos theory
- emotional intelligence
- Adaptability
- Systems theory
- Work flexibility
- Organizational learning
- business intelligence
- Lean management
- time management
- Design thinking
- Empowerment
- Resilience
- Business ethics
- Talent management
- Knowledge economy
- Crisis management
- Knowledge management ▼
- Kanban ▼
- Planning ▼
- Scope ▼
- Date
- Present
- Past
- Spring
- Autumn
- Winter
- Clock
- Alarm
- Chronometer
- Vacation
- Punctuality
- Retirement
- Childhood
- Adolescence
- Old age
- Generation
- Timeline
- Anniversary
- Birthday
- Eon
- Prehistory
- Antique
- Middle Ages
- Renaissance
- Memory
- Forgot
- Time travel
- Now
- Yesterday
- Day
- Weather
- Second
- Hour
- Day
- Week
- Month
- Year
- Season
- Forecast
- Interval
- Rhythm
- Time
- Century
- Millennium
- Was
- Age
- License
- Cost ▼
- Quality ▼
- Club
- Player
- Coach
- Trophy
- Hubby
- Championship
- Ball
- Goalie
- Defense
- Front
- Soccer
- Basketball
- Volleyball
- Rugby
- Hockey
- Fencing
- Cycling
- Athletics
- Swimming
- Boxing
- Career
- Marathon
- Training
- Training
- Template
- Call
- Injury
- Sanction
- Uniform
- T-shirt
- Pants
- Footwear
- Heating
- Interview
- News conference
- Goal
- Happens
- Auction
- Language
- Interpersonal communication
- Intrapersonal communication
- Organizational communication
- Intercultural communication
- Written communication
- oral communication
- Digital communication
- Visual communication
- Semiotics
- Linguistics
- Pragmatics
- Syntax
- Semantics
- Phonetics
- Phonology
- Morphology
- Sociolinguistics
- Psycholinguistics
- Discourse analysis
- Rhetoric
- Argumentation
- Handling
- Courtesy
- Irony
- Sarcasm
- Metaphor
- Simile
- Ambiguity
- Communication channel
- Radio
- Television
- Internet
- Journalism
- Graphic design
- Corporate image
- personal brand
- Propaganda
- Censorship
- Freedom of expression
- Right to information
- Pedagogy
- Andragogy
- Online education
- Instant messaging
- streaming
- Gamification
- Virtual reality
- Augmented reality
- Machine translation
- Ethology
- Media
- Press
- Non-verbal communication
- Assertive communication
- External communication
- Social communication
- Verbal communication
- Assessment ▼
- Method ▼
- Strategy ▼
- Schedule ▼
- Budget ▼
- Hierarchy
- Retention
- Recognition
- Philanthropy
- Volunteering
- Reputation
- Customer service
- Technical support
- Distribution channels
- Inventory
- Mergers and acquisitions
- Association
- Foundation
- Center
- Company
- Body
- Society
- Agency
- Cluster
- Authority
- Consulting
- School
- Federation
- Guild
- Institute
- Clinic
- Cooperative
- Factory
- Laboratory
- Political party
- Police
- Union
- Judged
- Court
- Ministry
- Commission
- Council
- Parliament
- Congress
- Army
- Orphanage
- Store
- Supermarket
- Consultancy
- Documentation ▼
- Optimization
- Effectiveness ▼
- Efficiency
- Technology ▼
- Innovation ▼
- Administration ▼
- Control ▼
- Supervision
- Compliance ▼
- Theoretical framework
- Hypothesis
- Sampling
- Statistics
- Research protocol
- Factor analysis
- Pilot test
- Ethnography
- Phenomenology
- Simulation
- critical theory
- Content analysis
- Brainstorming
- Data visualization
- Predictive analysis
- Sociology
- experimental psychology
- Curriculum design
- Metacognition
- Hermeneutics
- Deconstruction
- Positivism
- Constructivism
- Pragmatism
- Empiricism
- Epistemology
- Method
- Technique
- Approach
- Stage
- Cycle
- Indicator
- Variable
- Collection
- Rule
- Tool
- Metrics
- Flowchart
- Market research
- Coping strategies
- Self-knowledge
- Self-development
- Self-reflection
- Business administration
- Situational leadership
- Self-efficacy
- Self-pity
- Skill development
- positive psychology
- Counseling
- Psychotherapy
- Experiential learning
- Group dynamics
- Mental health
- Self-esteem
- Gratitude
- Personal values
- Habits
- Personal responsibility
- Mindfulness
- Mentor
- Facilitator
- Therapist
- Expert
- Professional
- Teacher
- Leader
- Self discovery
- Self-confidence
- Social skills
- Leadership ▼
- Motivation ▼
- Feedback ▼
- Committee
- Feedback ▼
- Collaboration ▼
- Assignment
- Progress ▼
- LEED Certification ▼
architectural drawing
- Flat ▼
- Sketch ▼
- Perspective ▼
- Sketch ▼
- Design ▼
- Diagram ▼
- Projection ▼
- Dimensioning
- Scale ▼
- Volume ▼
- Space ▼
- Composition ▼
- Symmetry ▼
- Proportion ▼
- Texture ▼
- Darkness
- Reflection
- Contrast
- Twilight
- Eclipse
- Gloom
- Mirage
- Oil lamp
- Evening
- Mystery
- Cache
- Subterfuge
- Gesture
- Image
- Ghost
- Presence
- Absence
- Vestige
- Secret
- Murmur
- Enigma
- Cavern
- Crack
- Abyss
- Gloomy
- Melancholia
- Fear
- Gloomy
- Mist
- Mirror
- Refraction
- Evasion
- Camouflage
- Threshold
- Spectrum
- Interference
- Furtive
- Cover
- Guard
- Transition
- Creation
- Distortion
- Subtle
- Opaque
- Chiaroscuro
- Paint
- shadow theater
- Mime
- Plant
- Elevation ▼
- Court ▼
- Facade ▼
- Part
- Segment
- Fragment
- Portion
- Chapter
- Category
- Classification
- Article
- Paragraph
- Block
- Issue
- Element
- Phase
- Module
- Branch
- Header
- Qualification
- Caption
- Court
- Part
- Quadrant
- Panel
- Content
- Summary
- Letter
- Eyelash
- Directory
- Literature
- Exhibit
- Appendix
- Supplement
- Extract
- Synopsis
- Series
- Iteration
- Order
- Priority
- Role
- Function
- Task
- vanishing point ▼
- Profile ▼
- Surface
- Bow ▼
- Column ▼
- Wall ▼
- Window ▼
- Door ▼
- Ceiling ▼
- Mezzanine ▼
- Ladder ▼
- Deck ▼
- Distribution ▼
- Furniture ▼
- Model
- Home ▼
- Apartment ▼
- Mansion ▼
- Chalet
- Estate
- Tower
- Bungalow
- Duplex
- Tax authorities ▼
- Palace ▼
- Castle ▼
- Villa ▼
- Floor
- Loft
- Windmill
- Cabin ▼
- Farm ▼
- Convent ▼
- Monastery ▼
- Hospital ▼
- University ▼
- School ▼
- Museum ▼
- Stadium ▼
- Theater ▼
- Cathedral ▼
- Church ▼
- Synagogue
- Temple ▼
- City hall ▼
- Court ▼
- Hotel ▼
- Inn ▼
- Hostel ▼
- Hostel
- Mall ▼
- Supermarket ▼
- Pharmacy ▼
- Book
- Shelf
- Reading
- Author
- Novel
- Poem
- Magazine
- Newspaper
- Encyclopedia
- Dictionary
- Atlas
- Literature
- Tale
- Comic
- Newspaper archive
- Thesis
- Monograph
- Manuscript
- Parchment
- Ink
- Feather
- Pencil
- Computing
- bibliophilia
- Poetry
- Literary criticism
- Workstation
- Portable
- Scanner
- Printer
- Relaxation
- Publication
- Librarianship
- CD
- Help Desk
- Reader
- Loan
- Computer
- literary work
- Researcher
- Writer
- Editorial
- Restaurant ▼
- Café ▼
- Building
- Construction site ▼
- Structure ▼
- civil Engineering ▼
- Town planning ▼
- Modification
- Revolution
- Reorganization
- Rehabilitation
- Remodeling
- Redesign
- Readjustment
- Replacement
- Amendment
- Initiative
- Progressivism
- Refoundation
- Reconstruction
- Relocation
- Reconversion
- Redistribution
- Re-education
- Resocialization
- Reassignment
- Re-evaluation
- Recapitulation
- Reconceptualization
- Debate
- Vote
- working group
- Urban renewal
- Rehabilitation
- Restructuring
- Social change
- Rationalization
- Constitutional reform
- Educational reform
- Tax reform
- Labor reform
- Political reform
- Agrarian reform
- Project management ▼
- Design ▼
- Structure ▼
- Style ▼
- Material ▼
- Facade ▼
- Plant
- Column ▼
- Pillar
- Window ▼
- Door ▼
- Ceiling ▼
- Floor ▼
- Ladder ▼
- Balcony ▼
- Terrace ▼
- Garden ▼
- Landscape ▼
- City ▼
- Monument ▼
- Chronology ▼
- Periodization ▼
- Prehistory ▼
- Ancient Age ▼
- Middle Ages ▼
- Modern Age ▼
- Contemporary Age ▼
- Civilization ▼
- Culture ▼
- Archeology ▼
- Colonization ▼
- Independence ▼
- Historiography ▼
- Oral history ▼
- history of science ▼
- Ethnohistory ▼
- Genealogy ▼
- Heraldry ▼
- Cultural heritage
- Restoration ▼
- Conservation
- Paleography ▼
- Numismatics ▼
- Philately ▼
- Epigraphy ▼
- Paleontology ▼
- Ethnography ▼
- Antique ▼
- Expedition ▼
- Cultural heritage ▼
- Evolution ▼
- Chronicle
- Fable
- Science fiction
- Fancy
- magical realism
- Horror
- Epic
- Satire
- Parody
- Tragicomedy
- Dialogue
- Sonnet
- Haiku
- Lyric
- Elegy
- Ode
- Epigram
- Allegory
- Parable
- Verse
- Acrostic
- Onomatopoeia
- Anaphora
- Alliteration
- Romanticism
- Naturalism
- Existentialism
- Latin American boom
- Editor
- Character
- Intrigue
- rhetorical figure
- Fiction
- Episode
- Story
- Music ▼
- Dance ▼
- Cinema ▼
- Photograph ▼
- Traditions ▼
- Religion ▼
- Mythology ▼
- Folklore
- Grammar
- Spelling
- Vocabulary
- Lexicon
- Accent
- colloquial language
- formal language
- figurative language
- Proxemics
- Paralinguistics
- Intonation
- written language
- Oral language
- Alphabet
- sign language
- Esperanto
- Cryptography
- Mother tongue
- Ethnolinguistics
- Neurolinguistics
- Reportage
- Phoneme
- Morpheme
- Synonym
- Antonym
- Namesake
- Polysemy
- Word
- Phrase
- Verb
- Noun
- Adjective
- Adverb
- Preposition
- Conjunction
- Interjection
- Gerund
- Affix
- Mode
- Person
- Speech
- Meaning
- Poet
- polyglot
- Technical language
- Palindrome
- Eponym
- Archaism
- Seseo
- Castilian
- Spanish
- Basque
- Canary
- Dialect ▼
- Language ▼
- Writing ▼
- Rhyme
- Antithesis
- Apostrophe
- Asyndeton
- Catharsis
- Comparison
- Ellipsis
- Enjambment
- Euphemism
- Gradation
- Hyperbaton
- Hyperbole
- Metonymy
- Oxymoron
- Paradox
- Parallelism
- Periphrasis
- Personification
- Pleonasm
- Polysyndeton
- Prosopopoeia
- Reduplication
- Pun
- Synecdoche
- Tautology
- Carol
- Heptasyllable
- Anthology
- Recital
- Synesthesia
- Feeling
- Emotion
- Privacy
- Metamorphosis
- lyrical genre
- Prosody
- Parnassianism
- Prose ▼
- Novel ▼
- Tale ▼
- Rehearsal ▼
- Philosophy ▼
- History ▼
- Anthropology ▼
- Sociology ▼
- clinical psychology
- Social psychology
- evolutionary psychology
- Neuropsychology
- Educational psychology
- Developmental psychology
- Psychobiology
- sports psychology
- forensic psychology
- Cognitive behavioral therapy
- couples therapy
- family therapy
- group therapy
- Anxiety
- Schizophrenia
- Dyslexia
- Dysgraphia
- Dysphasia
- Bulimia
- Insomnia
- Narcolepsy
- Agoraphobia
- intelligence test
- emotional regulation
- Disorder
- Trauma
- Psychometry
- Organizational psychology
- occupational therapy
- Acceptance and commitment therapy
- Psychopathology
- personality disorder
- Psychopedagogy
- emotional balance
- Reproducibility
- Meteorology
- social sciences
- cell biology
- Physiology
- Microbiology
- Immunology
- Developmental biology
- Mineralogy
- Geochemistry
- Exobiology
- Astrochemistry
- Theoretical physics
- Nuclear physics
- Quantum physics
- Analytical chemistry
- Epidemiology
- Proteomics
- Botany
- Zoology
- Biomedicine
- Entomology
- Parasitology
- Virology
- Biophysics
- Neurology
- Cytology
- Bioethics
- Biogeography
- Astrobiology
- Radiology
- Bacteriology
- Didactics
- Resume
- Teaching
- Adult education
- Vocational training
- Tutorial
- Autonomous learning
- Project based learning
- Repetition
- School dropout
- Educational policy
- Education system
- Degree
- Mastery
- Doctorate
- Teaching material
- Physical education
- Educational guidance
- Sex education
- Education in values
- Teaching
- Ability
- Vocational guidance
- emotional education
- Art education
- Meaningful learning
- Knowledge ▼
- Wisdom ▼
- Virtue
- Duty
- Evil
- moral dilemma
- moral judgment
- Altruism
- Dignity
- Consent
- Racism
- Sexism
- Xenophobia
- Homophobia
- Oppression
- Violence
- Activism
- civil disobedience
- Consequentialism
- Ethics of care
- Medical ethics
- Anthropocentrism
- Theocentrism
- Professional ethics
- Decency
- Piety
- Abnegation
- Patience
- Sorry
- Rectitude
- Universal values
- Moral values
- Ethical values
- Morality
- Moral responsibility
- Moral reasoning
- Ethics ▼
- Aesthetics ▼
- Senate
- Constitution
- Executive power
- legislative branch
- judiciary
- Separation of powers
- President
- Prime minister
- Foreign policy
- European Union
- Fiscal policy
- Monetary policy
- Social policy
- Freedom of the press
- Armed forces
- Terrorism
- Decriminalization
- Legalization
- Liberalism
- Conservatism
- Populism
- Choice
- Deputy
- Minister
- Treaty
- Coalition
- Labor law
- constitutional law
- public order
- Economic policy
- Political system
- Citizen
- Government ▼
- Macroeconomy
- Microeconomics
- Market economy
- Planned economy
- Economy of scale
- Tax
- Subsidy
- World Bank
- stock market
- Balance of payments
- Trade balance
- Fiscal deficit
- External debt
- Economic growth
- Recession
- economic depression
- Economic cycle
- economic crisis
- Monopoly
- Oligopoly
- Free trade
- Dumping
- Consumption
- Marketing
- Banking
- financial market
- Shortage
- Foreign exchange
- stock market
- Neoliberalism
- Trade agreement
- Foreign trade
- Foreign investment
- Commercial code
- economic indicator
- Trade ▼
- Industry ▼
- Agriculture ▼
- Gastronomy ▼
- Feeding ▼
- Outfit ▼
- Ceramics ▼
- Goldsmithing ▼
- Sport ▼
- Marriage ▼
- Birth ▼
- Death ▼
- Family ▼
- Relationship
- Male
- Female
- Transgender
- Gender identity
- Gender stereotypes
- Gender violence
- Misogyny
- Sexism
- Nonbinary
- Cisgender
- sexual orientation
- Heterosexual
- Bisexual
- Pansexual
- Asexual
- Gender perspective
- glass ceiling
- Man
- Gender diversity
- Transphobia
- Heteronormativity
- Gender studies
- Androcentrism
- Sexology
- sexual harassment
- Hembrism
- abortion
- reproductive rights
- Female empowerment
- Homosexuality
- Sexuality ▼
- Migration ▼
- Ethnicity ▼
- Identity ▼
- Nationality ▼
- Heritage
- Opera ▼
- Ballet
- Jazz ▼
- Rock
- Pop ▼
- Abstract painting
- contemporary literature
- performing arts ▼
- Fine arts
- plastic arts
- contemporary art
- modern art
- abstract art
- Cinematography ▼
- Script ▼
- popular culture ▼
- Cultural identity ▼
- Cultural diversity
- street art ▼
- Museology ▼
- digital art ▼
- Graffiti ▼
- Drawing ▼
- Recorded ▼
- Performance ▼
- Facility
- Collage ▼
- Muralism
- Tattoo ▼
- Watercolor
- Cake ▼
- Video art
- Comic ▼
- cartoon ▼
- cave painting ▼
- Art gallery
- Symphony ▼
- Guitar ▼
- Violin ▼
- Piano ▼
- Trumpet ▼
- Saxophone ▼
- contemporary dance ▼
- Scenography ▼
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Latest articles in Architecture
Definition of urban development
Urban development refers to the process of planning, designing and constructing spaces and structures in urban areas to improve the quality of life of its inhabitants. This includes the expansion of infrastructure, housing, transportation, green areas and services, considering economic, social and environmental aspects. Examples of urban development Urban development can be observed […]
Definition of sustainable cities
Sustainable cities are those cities in which social well-being and economic progress are pursued and sought without putting natural resources in check and trying to cause the least possible impact on the environment. In these sustainable urban environments, the aim is to ensure the rights of citizens without […]
Definition of thermal insulation
Thermal insulation is the set of materials or techniques that are used to reduce heat transfer between different spaces or elements of a construction. Its objective is to maintain a comfortable interior temperature, avoiding heat loss in winter or excessive entry in summer, which improves the energy efficiency of […]
Definition of bioconstruction
Bioconstruction is an approach to architecture and construction that seeks to minimize environmental impact, using natural or recycled materials and prioritizing energy efficiency. This technique integrates principles of sustainability, human well-being and respect for the environment, promoting buildings that harmonize with the environment. Examples of bioconstruction The following examples of […]
Definition of urban planning
Urban planning is a concept that refers to the strategies and regulations that allow the development of a city to be organized. These instruments and actions regulate how space can be used or transformed, seeking to promote the creation of sustainable and functional environments. It should be noted that the idea of planning refers to the development of a […]
Definition of LEED certification
LEED certification is a distinction that recognizes the sustainability of a construction. It was created by the United States Green Building Council (USGBC), a non-governmental organization founded in 1993. It should be noted that LEED is the acronym corresponding to the English expression Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (Leadership […]
Definition of viewpoint
A viewing point is a place specifically designed to allow people to obtain a panoramic view of a landscape, a city, a monument or other point of interest. Viewpoints are typically located on elevated locations, such as hills, mountains, or tall buildings, and are often equipped with railings or viewing platforms […]
Definition of temple
Temple is a term that is frequently used in the religious field as a synonym for church, sanctuary or synagogue. According to the definition endorsed by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), this word, which derives from the Latin word templum, refers to the site or building that is dedicated, exclusively, to a certain cult. There are […]
Definition of dock
A dock is a structure built on the shore of a body of salt or fresh water, such as a lake, river, canal or sea, designed to allow the mooring and disembarking of ships. Docks can be of different types and sizes, from simple wooden platforms to complex facilities with multiple levels and services. […]
Definition of ruin
Ruin generally refers to the degradation, deterioration or collapse of something that was previously in good condition. This term can be applied to various situations and contexts. In the financial field, ruin can refer to the total loss of wealth or financial solvency of a person or entity. In the physical aspect, […]