Definition of



In law, a condition is an uncertain and future event on which the emergence or extinction of a legal act depends.

From Latin condicio , condition is the property or nature of things. In the past, this term was also used to designate the status that was recognized in people, the quality of birth, which could be that of a serf, free or noble, among other possibilities.

Another use of the concept is linked to the character or genius of the people, and their aptitude or disposition (in this case, the term is usually used in the plural): “A player with these conditions cannot be out of the national team” , “The nerves "They prevented me from showing my true conditions on stage."

Condition as state

Condition is also the state or situation in which someone or something is: “The child was found in very bad condition after spending two whole nights in the desert” , “His good physical condition was decisive for the victory” , “If you want to give back the pants, you must bring them in the same conditions.”

Physical condition is the product of training the body, focused on its different capacities, which are resistance, speed, flexibility and strength. Being fit is a concept that varies according to the needs and expectations of each person, but in all cases it speaks of enjoying good health , both physically and mentally, and being able to use the various faculties of the body freely and without negative repercussions such as pain or fatigue.

A circumstance or situation

The indispensable circumstance for the existence of another is called a condition: “The only condition to enter the party is to pay the entrance fee” , “If you want to present yourself as a candidate, it is a condition that you become nationalized” , “The northern country withdrew of the usurped territory without conditions.”

A condition is, on the other hand, a circumstance that affects a state or a process : “It is impossible to talk calmly under these conditions,” “My grandfather worked in the mine, but he resigned due to poor employment conditions.”

An unsafe condition is known as a situation or characteristic of a workspace that may pose a certain risk to the people who frequent it. There are various types, each with its potential consequences: it could be bare cables within the reach of employees, a wet floor without the relevant signage, a deteriorated ceiling that threatens to fall off at any time, or a room or office. poorly ventilated.

Physical training

The physical condition of a person is linked to their aptitude for carrying out bodily activities.

The concept of condition in law

For law , on the other hand, a condition is a future and uncertain event on which the birth or disappearance of a legal act depends.

In bilateral contracts, there is a type of condition called tacit termination , which receives this name because it is understood in every contract of this type, which is considered part of its nature. It is a negative condition, which means that it consists of one of the parties not complying with its obligations, in which a certain event does not take place. Furthermore, it requires a judicial declaration, meaning that it does not operate as a matter of law.

In other areas, a tacit condition is understood in a similar way: a framework that delimits those events that are admitted in a given situation or relationship , and that should not be expressed, since all individuals involved are expected to know and respect it.

The notion in sexuality

Finally, sexual condition is the orientation, tendency or inclination of an individual that defines their emotional, erotic, sexual or loving attraction to a certain group of people according to their gender.

Fundamentally, it is possible to recognize three types of sexual condition: bisexuality (attraction towards individuals of both genders); homosexuality (attraction to people of the same gender); heterosexuality (attraction to individuals of the opposite gender). The most common and, for many, pleasant and familiar way to mention this concept is by using the term sexuality .