Definition of

give up

Before entering fully into the definition of giving up, it is necessary to know its etymological origin. In this case, we can state that it is a term that derives from Latin. Exactly it comes from “claudicare”, which is a verb that can be translated as “lose strength” or “decay”.

Claudication is the action of giving in to a temptation or difficulty. Giving up means giving up .

give upFor example: “Although I know that the path is very difficult, I am not going to give up” , “We are not going to give in to the terrorists who want to impose their ideas with blood and fire” , “Sooner or later he is going to give up and then you will be able to keep his place" .

Whoever gives up stops trying something . That is why not giving up is usually considered something positive, since it reveals the perseverance and tenacity of a person. Suppose a teenager dreams of being a soccer player. With the aim of joining a club, he attends several tests before coaches and recruiters, but is unsuccessful. The young man, instead of giving up, continues training on his own to improve his skills. Some time later he appears for a test again and, this time, is signed by a team. By not giving up, the boy had his reward.

There are many people who, faced with certain situations and circumstances, finally decide to give up and not continue with the work or effort they are making to achieve a goal. In that case, in order not to give in, you must take into account tips such as the following:

-You should never give up because, at any time, the set goals can be achieved if you are working and there is a sacrifice behind it.

-When you are determined and focus on a goal, it is much easier to achieve it.

-When errors occur, they must be seen as something positive. That is, they ensure that we learn from them and that we do not fall into those mistakes again.

-History is full of well-known characters who, no matter how many obstacles they found in their path, did not choose to give up and continued fighting until they achieved all their dreams. This would be the case, for example, of the British writer JK Rowling who suffered a severe depression and went through a terrible work and economic situation. However, little by little he began to shape his “Harry Potter” saga, which has become one of the most successful literary series of all time.

When you insist on a harmful issue, however, not giving up becomes negative. If a man does not stop bothering and stalking his ex-partner despite the requests and demands of other people and even the courts, his perseverance is not worthy of admiration, quite the opposite.

According to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ), claudicar is also used in the field of medicine as a synonym for limping or to refer to the damage suffered by an organ when blood supply is interrupted.