Definition of


water channel

Establishing a canal to regularize a flow of water is channeling.

Channel is a verb with several meanings. The first meaning of the term mentioned by the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ) in its dictionary refers to the opening of channels .

A canal can be a channel created artificially to take advantage of or give way to water . The concept also refers to the narrow space through which a thread of marine current advances until it reaches a wider and deeper place; to a concave break in a surface; to a conduit in general; to a radio or TV station; or to the structure through which a message circulates.

Set up a channel

Returning to the idea of ​​channeling, it can be the process that allows a channel to be established to regularize a current or a water channel, or to achieve its use. It is, in the broadest sense, a development that makes the transport of a fluid possible.

A channel can function as a pipe , although it is not a closed tube, but rather remains open. Channeling, in certain cases, promotes the establishment of a navigation route .

Guide ideas

Another use of the concept of channeling refers to collecting proposals, projects or comments to give them adequate guidance . By channeling something, in this way, it is directed where it belongs.

Let's take the case of a public body whose function is to receive complaints from citizens. Those who work in this office must channel complaints and demands to the sectors of the State that have the responsibility of addressing them. If a neighbor comes forward to report that a restaurant throws spoiled food into the street every night, for example, that complaint will be channeled to the Directorate of Food Science and Environmental Control.

In this context, we could use the synonyms channel or redirect . However, the two have slightly different meanings, particularly with respect to the time of the problem to which they apply. Relying once again on the situation proposed in the previous paragraph, the first synonym is more accurate if the complaints have not yet been addressed by any agency, if citizens are simply finding out who they should talk to to have their problem solved.

According to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy, one of its meanings is to place a discussion or a topic on an appropriate path. The nuance, in this case, would be that it was not yet at its best, or perhaps it was not underway. On the other hand, redirecting does imply that the neighbors had already filed a complaint but had done so in the wrong organization; it will be necessary to channel it to another, with the aim of changing its channel to an optimal one.

Channel talk about problems

Channeling our discomfort can be achieved by talking about our problems with friends or professionals.

Channel emotional discomfort

In a figurative sense, channeling can mean giving channel to the sensations and feelings that hurt us , so that they stop afflicting us and we regain inner peace. Stress, anguish, excessive worry are some of the situations that affect millions of people in modern life, whose structure requires a series of requirements that very few can achieve, and the "failure" of not living up to Social impositions can alter our mood and lead us to depression.

It is not easy to wake up in a world where our efforts never seem enough, where the economic situation is a barrier to social integration and where discrimination reigns in all its aspects. Inadvertently, we can allow these and other issues to turn us off, make us lower our arms , erase our smile permanently. It is almost impossible to prevent problems from penetrating us, but we can channel what they make us feel, throw out the discomfort to purge our emotional system .