Definition of



Fasting is a sacrifice that, at certain times, the faithful of different religions make.

Fasting is a term originating from the Latin word ieiunium that refers to the act and consequence of fasting . This verb (fast), for its part, refers to giving up, either partially or completely, eating drinks and/or food for a certain period of time .

Fasts can be carried out for different reasons. In some cases, fasting is a medical indication for carrying out a certain analysis or study . It is also possible that a person decides to fast as a social or political protest .

Examples of fasting

If a person decides to undergo blood and urine tests to know various indicators of their body that could reveal possible diseases , they will have to fast for approximately twelve hours . Doctors suggest this fast to prevent test values ​​from being distorted by drinks or food ingested.

An activist who is imprisoned, meanwhile, can fast until the authorities release him, since he considers that his detention is unjust. Thus fasting serves to exert pressure : if the person does not eat or drink, his health will deteriorate. For political power, the death of a detainee can be a serious problem because the State has the obligation to ensure his life.

The concept in religion

In the field of religion , fasting is a sacrifice that the faithful undertake for a certain purpose. In the commemoration called Yom Kippur , for example, Jews carry out a fast that begins at sunset and ends at dusk of the following day.

Muslims, during all the days of Ramadan (a month of their calendar), fast from sunrise to sunset. The elderly and those suffering from certain illnesses are exempt from this fast.


There are those who maintain that fasting can be positive from a nutritional point of view.

Benefits of fasting

We must also not forget that there are trends in matters of mind and body and even at a nutritional level that recommend fasting . Specifically, they consider that it is useful not only for the body to eliminate toxins but also for the body to regain its balance and proper functioning.

Precisely for this reason there are many personalities who, regularly or at specific moments in their lives, have recognized that they have practiced fasting. This would be the case, for example, of the actor Sean Connery , the singer Beyoncé and the film director and actor Clint Eastwood .

Your risks

However, these diets or trends also recognize that not everyone can practice fasting . It is determined that it is not recommended for those who have an illness, for women who are expecting a baby, or for those who suffer from bulimia or anorexia.

In the same way, it is not recommended for those who suffer from anemia, people who are taking very strong medication and those who have serious pathologies such as cancer.

In addition, it is established that those who have high blood pressure, people who suffer from depression, those who suffer from kidney failure and those who are below their healthy weight can do fasting or not, since fasting would become dangerous. In any case, it is recommended that all individuals, even those who are in good health, consult a medical professional before resorting to these types of practices .