Definition of



The idea of ​​autonomy is associated with freedom.

Autonomy is the condition of someone who, in certain contexts, is not dependent on anyone . That is why this concept, which comes from a Greek word, is associated with independence , freedom and sovereignty .

For example: “I have worked all my life to achieve Catalan autonomy” , “We must ensure that women have autonomy and can choose how, when and where to work without pressure from their husbands or families” , “This electric car has a autonomy of 40 kilometers.”

Administrative autonomy

The idea of ​​autonomy is often used with respect to the status enjoyed by administrative entities within the framework of a federal or national State . These regions have their own organizations for their self-government, even when they are part of a larger entity.

In Spain , the autonomous communities are called autonomies. These are territorial entities (such as Catalonia , the Basque Country , Galicia and Madrid ) that, although they are part of the system provided for in the Constitution of Spain , have administrative, executive and legislative autonomy.


The autonomy of a mobile device depends on how long it can function without a battery recharge.

Operation without recharging

Autonomy, on the other hand, is the time that a machine can remain in operation without recharging energy or the distance that a vehicle can travel without the need to refuel. If a motorcycle with a full tank of fuel can travel 200 kilometers, it is said to have a range of 200 kilometers. Once this journey is completed, it will be necessary to recharge the tank so that the vehicle can continue operating.

Nowadays, given the success of portable devices, the use of the term is very common to talk about the time they can remain active with the battery charged to one hundred percent. This group includes mobile phones, tablets and video game consoles, and their autonomy is measured in hours.

It is very curious to accept that cutting-edge technology devices have considerably less autonomy than those we used several decades ago. For example, while Nintendo 's first portable console, the Game Boy , offered about 16 hours of autonomy and one of its later versions was close to 36 hours, the Nintendo Switch , launched almost thirty years later, has an average autonomy of 3 and a half hours.

Although there are accessories that can extend the autonomy of any of these devices , they are not always very comfortable to use. The current trend of companies to manufacture products that cannot be opened by users results in the impossibility of changing the battery, so the only solution is to purchase one that connects through the USB port.

This is not ideal, since these external batteries considerably increase the dimensions of the device , and do not always have a grip mechanism to adjust to it. However, since there are no alternatives accessible to most users, they enjoy a peculiar popularity.

Autonomy according to psychology and philosophy

In the field of psychology and philosophy , finally, autonomy refers to a person's ability to act according to their desires or beliefs without obeying external influences or pressures . If a person needs to consult their partner before using some of the common money or meeting their friends, they lack autonomy.

It is not easy to move through the world autonomously, since we must always submit to a series of other people's decisions, directly or indirectly. No matter how much we try to walk our own path, unless we completely abandon civilization we will be immersed in the framework established by a government, the rules of neighborhood coexistence and the opinions of our environment. It is important, therefore, to achieve a balance in which this external influence does not prevent us from pursuing our objectives .