Definition of



In music, harmony is linked to the organization of chords.

Harmony comes from the Latin harmonĭa , although its most remote origins refer to a Greek word that means "combination" or "adjustment" . The term can be used to name the combination of simultaneous sounds that, although different, are consistent.

The concept is also used in reference to the well-concerted variety of sounds, measures and pauses . For example: "What I like about this orchestra is the harmony it achieves in its compositions" , "I am studying harmony at the conservatory" , "This style of music is not characterized by its harmony" .

Harmony in music

Specifically, within the musical field, we could say that harmony is the term used to refer to the relationship established between the different chords , more specifically to their organization, and which is what allows, along with others elements, that a composition is not only pleasant to the ear but of great quality.

Scales, tonality, movements, links, tension or rest are some of the elements that must be taken into account when establishing the harmony of a song or when analyzing it.

Balance of proportions

The concept has extra-musical meanings, in relation to the balance of proportions between the different parts of a whole . Harmony is always considered beautiful or pleasant .

The proportion and correspondence of one thing with another , therefore, is harmony: "If you paint the walls these colors, you will lose the harmony of the style," "I need to change the chairs to achieve harmony in the living room."


The idea of ​​harmony can refer to a person's inner peace.

Harmony as peaceful coexistence and calm

Harmony is also friendship and good correspondence. When two people are in harmony, they do not have problems between them, but rather they maintain a peaceful relationship that does not generate problems: "We have talked about our differences and we are now in harmony again," "To maintain harmony in a couple, the important thing is maintain respect."

It is common to talk about family harmony. In this case, it is established that to achieve it we must strive to ensure that each member has their space, that there is organization and order, that we opt for tolerance and respect...

In colloquial language, the term is used as a synonym for inner peace or calm : "I am in harmony thanks to yoga ," "When I get home and sit on the couch with a glass of red wine, I feel like I regain harmony. " » .

A company and a non-profit association

In addition to all of the above, we would have to highlight that there is currently a cosmetics company called Harmony Bio. The main feature that it offers is that it is responsible for preparing and producing all its products using only plants and extracts of plant origin.

There is also, on the other hand, Animal Harmony. This is the name of a non-profit association whose main objective is to help the most normal development possible of all those children who have some type of illness or disability. To help them achieve a better quality of life, they are responsible for connecting them with animals, which will help them improve not only their physical growth but also on an emotional level.