Argucia is a concept that refers to a deception , a trick or a ruse . The term comes from the Latin word argutia .
For example: “The company will try to resort to some trick to avoid paying what is due,” “We cannot allow them to cancel the elections with a legal trick,” “Through a trick, the man defrauded hundreds of retirees.”
Examples of trickery
The tricks seek to make people believe something that is not true. Take the case of a man who claims to have the ability to levitate. This individual tours different towns and cities to show his ability, charging an entrance fee to those who wish to see him float in the air. Over time, a group of people discover that the man used a mechanism with invisible ropes that, in reality, held him up while he pretended to levitate. This trick allowed the trickster to put on his show and make money by deceiving people.
A sports club, on the other hand, may try to make its rivals uncomfortable when its soccer team plays at home. In the locker room for the visiting team there is no water and the benches to sit on are broken. Visiting players, on the other hand, must go out onto the playing field, passing under the local stand, being exposed to shouts and insults of all kinds. These are some tricks that seek to deconcentrate and disturb opponents.
Ethical failures
Although it may seem unfortunate, in the field of politics this concept appears very frequently, given that government leaders are usually quite related to corruption. While a ruse devised by a child to avoid a reprimand from his parents can be funny and become an unforgettable anecdote, a twisted plan launched by the government of a country to defraud its people represents a despicable and absolutely condemnable.
As can be seen, tricks can constitute a crime (a scam) or simply be ethical misconduct . In both cases, these are behaviors that are usually condemned by society.
Synonyms of trickery
All the examples set out in the previous paragraphs are also related to the various synonyms of the term. In addition to deception , trickery and ruse , which are mentioned at the beginning of the definition, we can mention trickery, trap , falsehood , hoax, lie, tale, compromise, entanglement, subtlety, sophistry, ingenuity and misrepresentation .
No matter which one we choose, practically all of them lead to a situation woven with great ability to manipulate others in some way.
The ingenuity
It is important to indicate that ingenuity is always a key element when developing a trick, as well as the perception of the environment. The ideas used to deceive others must be convincing, and this requires not only creativity, but also a deep knowledge of the recipient's traits, both from an emotional and cultural point of view. The reason for the latter is that the scammer must know the limit beyond which his victims would not believe his stories.
For example, taking technology as the main topic, a teenager may invent that his computer accidentally deleted all his documents to excuse himself to his parents for not having submitted a practical assignment at school; Although people understand more and more about computers, it is still normal for people of a certain age not to go beyond the basic functions of a mobile phone, and that is why the ruse could be successful. At a software development company, a story like this could be thoroughly investigated with ransomware, so it wouldn't be a good idea. Ultimately, the effectiveness of the trick depends largely on the context .