Definition of



Supernatural powers are attributed to an amulet.

An amulet is an item that a person treasures and usually carries with them because they believe it gives them protection or good luck . The concept derives from amulētum , a Latin word.

For example: “This medal is my amulet: my grandmother gave it to me and it always protects me,” “Tomorrow I have to take an exam and I will take with me the amulet that Jorge gave me,” “Take this stone: it is an amulet that will ward off evil.” evil of your life.”

History of amulets

Amulets work through superstition : the subject believes in their power beyond what reason, science or even religion indicates. This power attributed to the amulet is supernatural because it exceeds the laws of nature.

The origins of amulets are linked to the history of human beings themselves. Prehistoric man treasured amulets with the aim of protecting himself from all kinds of evils. Those first amulets tended to be wood, rocks or other natural objects that had some physical peculiarity (their color, shape, etc.).

Over the years, amulets began to be objects that had been the protagonists of a special event or that were given as gifts by certain people. A soldier who finds a strange stone on the battlefield and returns home safely may consider the stone to be an amulet, to name one possibility. A young man, on the other hand, may believe that a coin given to him by his deceased grandfather has the power of an amulet.

Good luck

Amulets are believed to bring good luck.

Your link with the zodiac

It must also be established that amulets are indicated for each name or even for each sign of the zodiac. Thus, for example, in relation to the latter we can determine the following:

  • It is determined that those belonging to the sign of Aries will have their main amulet in a key, because it is considered that this will be responsible for opening the doors to all the objectives they wish to achieve.
  • Those who are Taurus , for their part, should know that their lucky object is a pendant, because it gives them stability and balance.
  • Basil is established, on the other hand, to be the main element that gives luck to Geminis : it guarantees them good finances.
  • To achieve the purposes they pursue on a financial level, it is established that those who belong to the sign of Cancer must have a lucky frog as an amulet.
  • There is a well-known Chinese snake called Feng Shui, which is the most beneficial object for Leos as it gives them protection.
  • In the same way, we cannot forget that it is determined that the ideal amulet for Virgos is the symbol of the fish eye, as it helps them keep away everything bad from their lives.
  • The sun pendant is the main object of good luck for those who belong to the sign of Libra . It gives them positivity in their lives.
  • As for Aries, it is recommended for Scorpios to always carry a key with them.
  • An amulet in the shape of a silver leaf is ideal for Sagittarius as it allows them to have stability and tranquility at the same time.
  • Finally, Capricorns should have a birch leaf as an amulet. This will remove all the negative from their lives.