Definition of



Self-love arises from valuing oneself.

Love is known as a feeling of great intensity that a human being experiences. The notion usually refers to the emotional inclination that an individual feels towards someone who brings them happiness and joy.

It is common, therefore, for love to be understood as something that is directed towards another. A subject (a partner, a family member, a friend) generates that feeling in the person that is then transmitted or reflected through actions, attitudes, words, etc.

However, there is also what is known as self-love . This is the name given to the affection that one feels for oneself , linked to a positive assessment of the qualities and faculties that one has or perceives oneself.

Characteristics of self-love

Self-love is associated with self-esteem . When someone feels comfortable with their way of being, their personality, and even their physical appearance, they have high self-esteem and, therefore, feel self-love.

On the contrary, if an individual does not value himself, he lacks self-love. This situation generates all kinds of damage and produces effects in different areas of life .

Psychologists highlight the importance of balance . Just as not having self-love is negative, the same can be said if self-esteem is too high. The key is to adjust to moral precepts and one's real capabilities , without distortions or exaggerations.


Excess self-love is harmful.

Potential problems

Although measuring or evaluating self-love is difficult, when a self-esteem problem is registered that is persistent or deep, it is necessary to go to a psychology professional for help.

Broadly speaking, it can be said that a deficit in self-love causes everything from difficulties in assuming responsibilities to problems in relating to other people. Insecurity, fear and anguish are common emotions in these cases.

Generally, psychological therapy helps detect the origin of the lack of self-love. It also provides the necessary tools to improve self-esteem.

How to develop self-love

Although a psychologist is the one who must indicate how to act in the face of a mental or emotional health disorder according to each patient, there are certain guidelines that can be considered to improve self-love.

Identifying the true causes of discomfort is a necessary first step. It is also relevant to discover each person's motivation , think about the individual achievements that were achieved and structure the objectives into short, medium and long-term goals.

The concept in sport

Many times, the idea of ​​self-love appears in the field of sports . An athlete, in the face of adversity, is expected to show self-love and continue competing.

Suppose a soccer team is losing 4 to 0 . In the last minute of the match, even though the result is already defined, the players continue to make an effort and fight, until they score a goal. The journalists, in this way, highlight the self-esteem of the footballers to not give up despite everything.

Let us now take the case of a tennis player who suffers severe pain in his arm . Although he is in inferior conditions compared to his rival, his self-esteem leads him to stay on the playing field.