Definition of


Group of people joining hands

Friends have a sincere and selfless sentimental bond.

A friend is someone with whom you maintain a bond of friendship .


Friendship is a relationship based on sincere and detached affection that is shared with another person. Two individuals are friends when they maintain this type of bond that is based on affection and respect .

Building friendship takes time. Frequent or habitual contact allows human beings to get to know each other in depth: if an affinity is registered, they are likely to become friends.

There are different types of friendship. Letter friends or pen pals , for example, are those who do not know each other personally, but build a friendship through the exchange of letters.

It is interesting to note that, in general, friendship does not have to do with physical attraction nor does it contemplate sexual relations. The exception is the case of the so-called friends with benefits , whose bond of friendship also enables intimate rapprochement.

Friends by letter

Pen pals are people who establish and maintain friendships through the exchange of handwritten letters, whether in paper or digital format. Although communication via email and instant messaging predominate in the current era, the concept is a reminder of a more traditional and leisurely way of establishing connections and friendships from a distance.

Both parties take the time to express their thoughts, feelings , and experiences in detail through the letters. They are often located in different geographical locations , making letters a way to maintain a close relationship despite distance.

Since letters require more time and effort compared to instant communications, people tend to put more thought into what they write, which can deepen connections and mutual understanding. They often include personal details, drawings, photographs, or other creative elements that can convey a sense of individuality and care .

Unlike quick online conversations, letters are sent and received at some interval, allowing people to focus on the quality of their communication rather than the quantity. These friendships often endure over the years, as the process of exchanging letters becomes a tradition and a significant part of the relationship.

friend of one thing

It is said that someone is a friend of something when they like it or like it a lot: "I am a friend of large parties" , "Friends of tranquility usually choose this tourist destination" , "I am not a big friend of vegetables, but I know that they are healthy and that I should include them in my diet .

When we say that "we are not very fond of something" we express in a low-risk way our lack of interest or liking. This expression is very useful to avoid hurting other people's feelings, if the topic in question is especially important to you. For example, when someone tells us about their favorite style of music and it does not match ours at all, we can respond in this way even if we think that we would never listen to it of our own free will.

Friend of others

The expression friend of the stranger refers to a thief ( "A friend of the stranger took my bicycle" ). It is a relatively mild way of referring to these people, which seeks to dedramatize the robbery situation instead of delving into it or allowing it to hurt us on an emotional level.

Three pink flowers on top of a postal envelope

Despite the popularity of Internet communication, pen pals still exist.

friendly fire

Friendly fire is the name given to the shot or attack—even symbolic or verbal—that comes from one's own side . The expression is used to describe situations in which, in the military or security context, an individual or group accidentally attacks their own forces, allies or companions, with potential damage or casualties.

The expression has also been extended metaphorically to other contexts outside the military sphere, to describe situations in which actions or words of close people or allies are harmful or problematic for a common objective or for the group itself ( "The president should be worried about friendly fire» ).