Definition of



Affection can be associated with affection or love.

From the Latin affectus , affection is one of the passions of the spirit . It is about the inclination towards someone or something , especially love or affection. For example: “Ricardo's attitude was an authentic demonstration of affection” , “All children should be treated with affection” , “Affection is essential in human relationships, but it does not prevent friction and conflicts from occurring” .

It is common for the notion of affection to be used in a more formal or distant way than the concept of love. Feeling affection for someone is not the same as loving them. On the other hand, it is not common to say that one loves an object, while having affection for a thing is more common: “I am not going to give away any toy from my childhood since I have a lot of affection for all of them,” “I know that "I should tell him what I think, but I don't want to hurt him since I feel affection for him."

Affect according to psychology

For psychology , affectivity is the susceptibility of the human being to different alterations in the real or symbolic world . It usually occurs through an interactive process (whoever feels affection receives something from the other party): “Lautaro felt great affection when he heard the news.”

Some of the fundamental points of affectivity are the following: the preponderance of family and loving relationships; the functions of consciousness are inhibited; Well-defined goals are set towards which desire, tendencies and sex are directed; There is an oscillation between what is liked or disliked and what is hated, which represent two sexual poles.


The inclination towards something or someone can be called affection.

The contributions of Damásio and Spinoza

According to Antonio Damásio, a renowned neurologist from Portugal, emotions and all the reactions that arise from them have a connection with the body, but feelings are linked to the mind. Although no one has established a series of formal differences between affect and emotions, there are authors who define the former as a process of interaction between a minimum of two people, but consider that the latter occur in the privacy of each individual.

On the other hand, there is the position of Benedicto de Spinoza, a Dutch philosopher from the 17th century, opposite to the previous one regarding the links between affect, emotions, body and mind. According to their studies, there were various affects, which we can see below:

* desire : when a person determines to carry out an action motivated by an affection that comes from his own essence;

* joy : it occurs when transcending from a degree of perfection to a greater one;

* sadness : the inverse phenomenon of joy;

* admiration : it takes place when the soul is perplexed by an image, since it cannot connect it with others;

* contempt : given the insignificant impact produced on the soul by a thing, the former tries to look for everything that it does not find in the latter, instead of paying attention to what it does notice in it;

* love : it is the combination of joy with a fact of external origin to one's own being;

* hate : similar to love, sadness is combined with an external cause;

* propensity : occurs when the idea of ​​an object that accidentally causes joy accompanies joy;

* adversion : it is like propensity, but instead of joy it focuses on sadness.

be affected

On the other hand, a person is said to be affected by something when he or she is assigned to provide services or perform functions in a certain department .

“The players affected by the concentration could not walk around the city” y “The affected neighbors decided to take their protest to court” son frases que muestran este uso.