Definition of



For Christians, Jesus Christ is the symbol of self-denial.

Self-denial is the sacrifice that someone makes of their will , their affections or their interests . Typically, such sacrifice is done for religious reasons or altruism .

The term comes from the Latin abnegatĭo, according to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) . For Christianity , self-denial is the denial of the individual , in the sense of renouncing oneself and personal interests. A good Christian cannot always do what he wants, but must obey the word of God and live according to his commands. This self-denial is an essential part of the formation of the Christian: what is renounced, is offered to God.

All these characteristics place, for Christians, Jesus Christ as a symbol and model of self-denial. Jesus decided to renounce his divine status and became a man to save humanity. That is why he asks his disciples to follow him, renounce their own will and do the will of God on Earth .

Self-denial in the military field

Self-denial implies discipline and involves control of desires, feelings, passions and thoughts. It is also opposed to hyperactivity and frenzy, since the person who does too many things does not think; Therefore, he usually does those things wrong.

In this sense, it is important to make it clear that self-sacrifice is also vital within the military field . Thus, it is established that this virtue is fundamental to be in the possession of the different soldiers and the rest of the members of the body, of the militia , since it is necessary for them to put aside their interests, their tastes, their ideas about life or even their life itself in order to defend and protect their homeland.

In this way, today the selflessness of many professionals who are willing to do anything to safeguard the security, freedom and lives of citizens is praised. This would be the case of all those people who work in the State security bodies and forces, such as the military , police officers of various kinds or firefighters , among others.

Self-denial involves confronting selfishness . It focuses on giving, rather than having. The person who gives up something to assist others does so freely and without any obligation; Therefore, in that denial there is a personal choice that generates joy and satisfaction .


Selflessness is important in the military field.

The notion linked to motherhood

It is also relevant to highlight the fact that throughout history the term self-sacrificing mother has been used. An expression with which it came to be established, imposed by moral and social as well as religious norms, that any parent had to be characterized by being willing to give everything for her children.

A mother, in this way, must be able to never give up and be permanently strong in order to support her family and must have the necessary courage to be able to face all the obstacles that are placed in her way. as long as her offspring do not suffer and even if she is the one who suffers.