Definition of



A roll can be a movement that involves turning and then returning to the original position.

Vuelta is a concept that comes from the Latin volūta . The dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ) recognizes no less than thirty meanings of the term, which can be used in various areas.

A turn can be the movement of something around itself or a point , causing its original position to be inverted or moving it until it recovers it again. For example: “I'm going to turn the page to continue reading,” “To listen to all the songs on a cassette, you must turn it over when you finish playing one of its sides,” “Please turn around so I can change my clothes.” ” .

Various uses of the term return

The expression "turning the page " is used to refer to the action of turning the page that a person performs while reading a book or notebook and has reached the end of the current page, so they need to look at the content behind it. of it, that is, in the next one. The form without the preposition a is also accepted, as seen in the previous paragraph.

The act of returning to the starting point of a tour or trip is also called a return: “I'm back! I just returned from my vacation” , “I'm going on a trip, I promise that I'll call you when I get back and we'll solve the problem” , “The outward trip always seems shorter to me than the return trip” .

The return of an object to its owner, the repetition of a thing and the opportunity or possibility of executing an action in turn are known as a return: “Here is your money back, thanks for the loan,” “Waiter, another return.” of drinks! I invite” , “Think about how you are going to use your cards in the next round” .


In cycling, a lap is a stage or phase.

More meanings

It is interesting to note that the return , understood as the amount of money that a merchant gives to a client to settle the account when the latter has given him an amount greater than the price of the product or service for which he intends to pay, in some countries it is known as the name of returned , that is, it is simply a gender change of the same term. Although both forms are accepted, depending on the region of the speaker, the RAE dictionary recognizes it as the original.

With respect to the example of the "drinks return" , this expression refers to the sale of drinks, usually alcoholic, to a series of people, all under the responsibility of one person. Gestures of this type are very common among friends, but also in business meetings, since they create an atmosphere of trust and often help to break the ice, to free oneself from shyness or the tensions typical of a meeting between individuals. that they do not have a close relationship or that they had not met before.

Return to sport

In the field of sport , a round can be a stage of a race or a phase or round of a competition : “The French team must face three away games in the first round” , “The tournament will be played in two rounds with the "system of all against all."

Also within the world of sports and physical exercise, laps can mean walking, jogging, or running along the perimeter of a space such as a playing field (also called a court or track ) or a block, with the objective of warming up before practicing another activity. This is essential for professional athletes in many disciplines, although beginners and amateurs should also do it, since performing any sport without prior warm-up and stretching can lead to injuries of varying severity.