Definition of



Volleyball involves the confrontation of two teams on a court divided in half by a net.

Coming from a word in the English language ( volleyball ), volleyball or volleyball is a sporting discipline in which two teams compete on a court that is divided in half by a net that is one meter wide. The objective is to push the ball over the net so that it falls on the surface of the rival field , while preventing the same thing from happening in your own field.

The ball can be propelled with any part of the body, although the most common thing is to use the upper extremities and hands. The hit must be clean, that is, the ball cannot be grabbed, stopped or pushed. Another important rule of volleyball establishes that each team has only three touches to send the ball to the opposing team's field and that a player cannot touch the ball twice consecutively.

Volleyball teams and players

Each team has six players . Points are obtained when the ball hits the ground in the opponent's field or when the rival team commits an infraction (for example, touching the ball more times than allowed). If a team throws the ball out of the field of play, it will be a point for the rival.

Other volleyball rules are linked to the mandatory rotation of players (who must change position at certain moments of the game ), the impossibility of touching the net and the restriction imposed on the libero player during attacking situations, among others.

beach sport

Beach volleyball is a sport of increasing popularity.

The beach modality

Beach volleyball is a variety of this sport that is played on the beach and that presents several regulatory modifications with respect to the original discipline. Some of these differences are the following:

* in the beach version , the number of players per team can be 2 or 4;

* The regulatory uniforms are adapted to the thermal conditions of each case;

* indoor volleyball has an attack zone on the court, delimited by a line just over one meter from the net;

* on the beach it is not mandatory to have a libero player (who has the characteristic of being able to enter and leave the field continuously to replace any of the other members, as long as they are in a defensive position when rotating);

* the type of terrain on which it is played;

* encroachment is not judged as strictly in beach volleyball, as it is more difficult to avoid a slip on the sand;

* in the closed version, each player has an almost exclusive function, while in the other, given the smaller number of people, everyone fulfills several roles at the same time;

* if the championship is for pairs, the beach modality does not have rotation, while in the closed one it is mandatory;

* beach volleyball does not allow finger kicks;

* the weight of the ball is greater in a closed area

Volleyball Popularity

While volleyball is a very popular sport , it has no way of competing against soccer when it comes to moving the masses. The same happens with any other discipline, be it sports or not, in almost the entire world, and this calls into question whether people's interest is legitimate or whether it arises from manipulation to divert attention from social and economic problems. .

Machismo is also largely responsible for the supposed widespread taste for football, since it instills in children a kind of obligation that deprives them of freely choosing their hobbies, making this sport synonymous with masculinity and, it should be said, placing this quality as normal, necessary and healthy in a man.