Definition of


Mountain with opening

A volcano establishes a communication between the Earth's surface and deep levels of the Earth's crust .

Volcano is a conduit that establishes direct communication between the Earth's surface and the deep levels of the Earth's crust. Volcanoes are openings found in mountains or on the ground; Every certain period of time, they expel lava, gases, ashes and smoke.

According to Roman mythology , Vulcan was the god of fire and metals. Married to Venus and father of Jupiter and Juno , he was the creator of weapons and armor for heroes. The word volcano , thus, comes from Vulcan.

Examples of volcano

Among the most important and famous volcanoes in the world is, for example, Kilimanjaro, which is located in Tanzania . Its more than 5,000 meters high make it one of the highest on the planet and it is characterized by being made up of three craters.

Likewise, we cannot forget other equally significant volcanoes, such as the Krakatoa volcano, located in Indonesia ; the Teide volcano, located on the island of Tenerife ; the Popocatépetl volcano in Mexico or Vesuvius , in Italy . Naples is where the latter is specifically located, and among its most significant facts is having been the cause of the burial of the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum in the year 79 AD.


When a volcano expels lava, a process known as an eruption occurs.

The eruption

The eruption , as this expulsion process is known, occurs when magma (a mixture of molten rock, gases and other components) that is under pressure begins to rise.

Among the main classes of volcanic eruptions, taking into account criteria such as their viscosity or temperature, there are the Hawaiian , the Vulcanian, the Surtseyan , the submarine , the fissure , the fighting , the Vesuvian and the mixed .

The duct that connects the deep magma chamber with the earth's surface is called a chimney . The lava erupts through the central chimney of the volcano, which can also present other formations known as parasitic cones and even some that only expel gases and are called fumaroles .

Types of volcano

When there is no record of the eruptive activity of a volcano, specialists speak of inactive volcanoes . On the other hand, volcanoes that were active not too long ago or that are currently still erupting are called active volcanoes .

And all this without forgetting that there are also those known as dormant volcanoes , which are those that are characterized by the fact that they maintain certain signs of volcanic activity. Specifically, all those who have not erupted for centuries are called that.

A supervolcano is a type of volcano that is characterized by its voluminous eruptions, with strong explosions and a large volume of magma expelled. These supervolcanoes have the ability to modify the climate for years and radically alter the landscape that surrounds them.

Finally, we cannot ignore the fact that the term in question is also part of some expressions that we use in colloquial language. An example of them is the adverbial phrase "being on a volcano" with which what is done is to determine that a person in question is experiencing a dangerous situation without knowing it.