Definition of

Youth violence


Youth violence can be physical or psychological.

Youth violence is made up of violent acts carried out by young people and that usually affect other young people. Some experts maintain that violence is an innate characteristic of human beings ; That is, even children are violent by nature.

Violence (from the Latin violentĭa ) is called deliberate behavior that is executed with force or impetus and that can cause physical or emotional harm to others . The violent act is done against the will or taste of the victim . An insult, a push or a hit are violent actions.

Juvenile , on the other hand, is that belonging to or relating to youth . This is the age that lies between childhood and adulthood, approximately between 15 and 25 years. In any case, there are no precise limits to define youth since, in certain aspects, people around 40 years old are still young.

Causes of youth violence

Society has mechanisms to repress this violent condition and avoid confrontation . When these mechanisms fail, violence cannot be controlled and generates numerous victims.

There are several circumstances that are established as possible causes of so-called youth violence. However, among the most important are the following:

  • The family atmosphere . The fact that the parents have a marked type of character and personality and that violent situations occur within the home are two of the reasons that can lead a young person to also be violent.
  • The emotional deficiencies . When an adolescent has had and has a lack of affection in their environment, they are also much more likely to carry out acts of youth violence.
  • The social environment . Those who find themselves living in conflictive neighborhoods and areas with high crime rates are also often much more likely to be involved in similar acts.
  • Unhealthy habits . By this we refer to both alcohol consumption and drug addiction.
  • Social pressure . The fact of being in a circle of friends where youth violence is the dominant note is what can make any kid feel pressured by that person to also commit criminal acts of this type.

Gangs promote youth violence.

Different types

Not being able to control impulses or not having conscience are also reasons that can cause a teenager to carry out actions of this type of violence.

This, for its part, can be of two types: physical , which is manifested through blows and bodily harm of different kinds, and psychological , which is more difficult to detect and which is committed through insults, humiliations or threats, for example.

Youth violence in gangs and through bullying

In the case of youth violence, the lack of social mechanisms for the containment of young people causes them to gather in groups or communities (such as gangs ) and develop violent behavior that knows no limits.

Secondary schools are often the scene of youth violence, with harassment and attacks on those who belong to a rival group or who simply behave differently than their own.