Definition of

Domestic violence


Domestic violence involves the development of violent behavior within the home.

The family is the most important social grouping of human beings . It is a form of organization that is based on consanguinity (such as filiation between parents and children) and the establishment of socially and legally recognized ties ( marriage ). The members of a family usually live in the same home and share daily life.

Violence , on the other hand, is that which is executed with force or that is carried out against the will of another person. Violent behavior attempts to impose or obtain something by force and can cause physical and emotional harm to the victim .

The definitions of both concepts (family and violence) allow us to approach the notion of domestic violence , which is the exercise of violence within a family. That is, the action or omission that a member of a family exercises against another member and causes physical or psychological harm.

Characteristics of domestic violence

Domestic violence, also known as family violence or domestic violence , can include different forms of abuse , from intimidation to beatings, harassment or insults. The violent person may act against a single member of the family (such as his or her partner or child) or behave violently with everyone.

Experts in this type of violence within the home establish that there are various common denominators that identify the abuser. Specifically, people of this type agree on these characteristics:

• They are very emotionally dependent individuals who manifest this dependence through aggressiveness.

• They appear self-confident and even appear haughty. However, beneath this image that they create, there are hidden citizens who often have self-esteem problems.

• They need to humiliate and commit their partner 's submission to feel good and superior.

• It is common for them to have emotional deficiencies and problems with similar characteristics that they carry over from their childhood or adolescent stage.

• They have pathological jealousy.

• They are not able to show their feelings.


Children can be victims of domestic violence.

Development in stages

In addition to all this, it should be noted that domestic violence that takes place in any home is usually made up of three clearly differentiated phases:

• A first stage where an accumulation of tension occurs, where episodes of jealousy , verbal disrespect or out-of-normal discussions take center stage.

• The second phase is where the acute episode of violence occurs, where it is manifested through regular beatings.

• The last stage of domestic violence is what is known as the Honeymoon, since the abuser calms down, shows some regret and even proceeds to carry out continuous displays of affection and love towards his victim.

Domestic violence and the law

Although this type of violence is punishable by law , these crimes are usually not reported, since victims may feel shame, fear or guilt for ratting out a family member.

Experts, however, insist and recommend that victims overcome their fear and file the corresponding complaints to break the violent bond.

Useful telephone numbers

If you are a victim of gender violence , we have compiled these specific telephone numbers according to the country where you are located. Remember that if it is an emergency, you can also call the official police line, which varies depending on the country, generally being the number 911.