Definition of


Old man

An old man is an elderly individual.

Old comes from vĕclus , a Latin term. It is a concept with several uses, whose most common meaning refers to elderly living beings .

For example: “Don't bother Grandpa Ernesto, he's an old man who needs peace of mind,” “My dog ​​doesn't run like before because he's old, but we still have a lot of fun together.” “When I was a child, I used to play with that old man .” tree" .

In the case of people, it is usually said that an individual is old when he or she is over 70 years of age . Anyway, the adjective depends on the context. A 39-year-old footballer can be considered old for the professional practice of this sport, although he is still young in a broader sense.

old objects

When applied to objects, the idea of ​​old refers to their age or the deterioration acquired by use : “Why do you want to wear those old pants at the party? You have much more modern ones…” , “I miss my old car: it was already twenty years old, but it still worked perfectly,” “That old house was your uncles' home.”

A situation , on the other hand, can be mentioned as old when it is not new or when it is repetitive : “Again the old story of power outages due to excessive consumption: the company should invest to update its infrastructure” , “I am not going to accept that you use the old 'problems at work' excuse again to justify why you came home so late” , “Poor medical care at this hospital is old hat” .


An old object can be classified as old.

The term in the cultural field

In the cultural field we find a long list of works that use the term in question in their titles. However, among the most significant we can highlight the following:

“The old man and the sea” (1951). It is a novel by acclaimed American author Ernest Hemingway that is considered one of the most important of the 20th century and has even been made into a film with great success. It revolves around an elderly fisherman who, tired of going fishing every day without achieving his goals, decides to undertake a truly complex and brave challenge.

– Within the pictorial field, we find the painting “The Old Blind Guitarist” , which was made in 1903 by the great Pablo Picasso. It is part of what was his blue period and in it, as its title already indicates, an old man appears playing the guitar.

– From a musical point of view, we can highlight the song “My old man” or “My dear old man” . It is the work of the Italian-Argentine singer-songwriter Piero and was published in 1969, as part of the album of the same title.

Old as a noun

In some countries , finally, old is used as a noun to name the father , husband or a friend in an affectionate way.

“My dad always supported me”, “Old man, shall we go for a walk?” y “Maradona is better than Pelé, man: there is no doubt about that” son frases que muestran este uso.

Names of localities

In addition to all of the above, we cannot ignore the existence of different localities that have the term in question in their names.

A clear example of this is Pueblo Viejo , a municipality that is part of the Mexican state of Veracruz . It is located in the northern area of ​​the city, has its origins in the 16th century and has an area of ​​approximately 286 square kilometers.