Definition of



A vice is a harmful habit.

Vice is a term that comes from the Latin vitium and has various uses and meanings. It may be the defect or poor quality of things . For example: "The shirt has a nice design, but I'm not going to buy it because of the flaw in its fabric," "The investigation showed negative results due to a flaw in data processing."

The most frequent use of the concept is linked to the special and excessive taste of something, which leads to using or consuming it frequently and in excess : "Movies are my vice: I can see about five a weekend" , "My only vice is fries» , «I like the game, but I can't say that it is a vice for me» .

Vice, a harmful habit

In general, vices are harmful habits that put a person's health at risk. Although spending many hours in front of the television or playing on the computer can cause vision problems and negatively affect posture, they are not major threats; On the other hand, tobacco , alcohol and cocaine, among many other substances, can lead to death. It is worth mentioning that, in this context, the term vice is strongly linked to addictions: «Sebastián's mother decided to institutionalize him so that he could abandon his addictions once and for all» , «The singer confessed that drugs and gambling are two vices that led him to ruin .

Vices, on the other hand, are habits considered immoral or degrading to a society . Obscenity , lust and corruption are some of the most common examples: "The corruption of our ruling class is a vice that eats away at the possibilities of progress."

Alcoholic beverage

Alcoholism is a vice that can cause serious physical and psychological damage.

Consequences of alcoholism

Excessive alcohol consumption has a slow but severe impact on our body. First of all, alcoholics tend to evade their responsibilities, both professionally and personally, putting aside their relationships and plunging into an increasingly deep and dark pit of loneliness and incomprehension . Progressively, they become aggressive and inconsiderate beings towards their loved ones; Furthermore, they frequently seek clashes and arguments even when there are no apparent reasons.

A person who leaves his life aside to give in to alcoholism needs help; However, only the minority receives adequate care. Popularly, it is believed that alcoholics are lazy, lazy, individuals who do not want to take care of their responsibilities; Although it is never correct to generalize, a high percentage of addicts feel great helplessness and seek to avoid failure .

Effects of this vice

Alcoholism is a one-way ticket to the loss of everything built: family, profession, friendships, dignity . If you do not get the support of an understanding being, who sees in the addict the need to get out of his hell, it is almost impossible to abandon the vice, since it ends up becoming your life itself.

But the psychological and social consequences are only part of the consequences of alcohol: with respect to the traces it leaves in the body, there is an increased susceptibility to disorders such as peptic ulcers , gastritis and certain cardiac and kidneys. On the other hand, the appearance of insomnia and loss of appetite is common.

With respect to liver diseases, alcohol usually produces three well-defined types: fatty liver , when excess fat accumulates in its cells; alcoholic hepatitis , a strong inflammation that leads to the death of your cells; alcoholic cirrhosis , destruction of your normal tissue, with consequences such as cancer and kidney failure.

Finally, it is important to remember that the predisposition to alcoholism can be transmitted from generation to generation , which adds to the ruin itself by leading the children to their destruction.