Definition of


Old people square verbiage

Verbosity is the excess of words when expressing oneself.

Excess verbosity is called verbosity. The concept of verbosity, meanwhile, refers to a profusion of words when speaking.

too many words

Verbosity, in this framework, consists of using too many words when expressing oneself . People who talk non-stop and those who use an excessive amount of words are verbose or verbose.

Suppose a young woman meets a friend in a bar and begins to tell her that she found a new job . The girl performs a monologue of about ten minutes, without her interlocutor being able to interrupt her or comment on anything. In this situation, the woman's verbosity can be noticed.

Take the case of the host of a radio program. This communicator, to announce the state of the weather , could state: “The morning is rainy.” However, due to his verbiage, he points out: “In the early hours of this Tuesday, August 24, the second day of the work week, the prevailing weather conditions are causing us to have a rainy day, with precipitation that bothers everyone who is looks out onto the street.”

Language flow

Also known as lalorrhea or logorrhea , verbiage can be linked to an alteration that affects the flow of language , accelerating speech and establishing obstacles to prevent eventual interruptions. In this sense, verbosity is a symptom of certain psychoses and manic states .

As a disorder , verbosity is characterized by verbal incontinence and incoherence. This makes dialogue and communication in general difficult, since the individual does not listen or allow the exchange. This is a problem that we often find in individuals we have just met, and unless we are aware of the psychological reasons, we tend to describe them as "people who do not know how to listen" or "who respond to themselves."

Unlike the examples presented above, in which verbiage can be seen in the excess of words to describe the same situation, in this case the speaker moves from one topic to another without any pause, or leaving very little time space. between one and the other that their interlocutor does not usually have the opportunity to participate in the conversation. Depending on the severity and other personality traits, the verbose person may remain in this state for dozens of minutes or more, as if they were talking to themselves.

Despite all this, not all people affected by verbosity on a psychological level converse in the same way. There are those who really seem incapable of giving their interlocutor their turn or listening carefully to what they have to say, but there are also others who can stop at some point and adopt the role of listener, allowing the other party to express themselves, and even show interest in what they tell you.

mouth-to-ear verbiage

It is not uncommon for verbiage to be annoying to those who are forced to listen.

Verbiage and vocabulary

A distinction that does not hurt to make at this point is the excess of words used in the discourse that involves verbosity and the richness of the vocabulary. We must not forget that the alteration caused by verbiage is quantitative . Far from being an abundance of synonyms and alternative expressions, it is usually nothing more than an uninterrupted performance of speech, with a paucity of variety .

In any case, verbosity usually appears as a defense mechanism against the fear of communicating with other people, so it is not the only (far from the best) way for a person to express themselves. It is likely that in your solitude, in your thoughts, ideas appear organized and concise, and even with a broader vocabulary.