Definition of



The grape harvest is the process of harvesting and collecting grapes.

The grape harvest is the process that involves harvesting and collecting grapes . The concept also allows us to name the period in which these actions are carried out.

For example: «This year's harvest was a success throughout the province thanks to the excellent weather conditions we had in recent months» , «The winery will develop its harvest in the coming weeks» , «Tomorrow a new edition of the Harvest Festival » .

Etymology of vintage

To advance with the meaning of the term vintage we must determine its etymological origin. In this case, we can say that it derives from the Latin vindemia , which is the result of the sum of two components of said language:

  • The noun viñea , which can be translated as "vineyard" .
  • The verb demere , which is synonymous with "tear off" or "remove" .

When it develops

Generally, in the southern hemisphere the harvest takes place between the months of February and April , while in the northern hemisphere it takes place between July and October .

This can vary, however, according to multiple factors: the type of grape , the particularities of the climate, the desired degree of ripening of the fruit, etc.


The harvest can be carried out in different ways.

Types of vintage

When trying to make fortified wines , late harvest is used. In this case, the process takes longer than usual so that the grapes begin to dehydrate on the vine.

It is important to note that the harvest can be carried out mechanically or manually. Manual harvesting is more expensive and slow, although it allows us to obtain better quality products since each cluster is selectively chosen.

In the same way, we cannot forget about other types of harvest, among which the following stand out:

  • Scalar harvest , which determines the harvesting that is carried out successively.
  • Mechanical harvest . As its name indicates, it is the harvesting of grapes that is carried out using mechanized instruments and tools. Specifically, they are committed to making use of grape harvesters , tunnel-like machines that are responsible for shaking the stems of the vines.

Manual or mechanical processes

The second type of harvest on display, mechanical harvesting, has become a topic of debate for farmers. And there are those who defend it staunchly, but there are also many who reject it in favor of the manual.

Specifically, the arguments put forward in favor of one or the other are the following:

  • Mechanics are much faster and more economical, since machinery speeds up tasks and avoids having to rely on a lot of manpower.
  • The manual, for its part, means that the grapes are selected more exhaustively, that they are obtained with care and that translates into higher quality wines.

Events to celebrate the harvest

Since ancient times, the grape harvest is usually a symbol of joy as it represents the culmination of the harvest . That is why in many regions events are organized to celebrate the grape harvest.

In the Argentine province of Mendoza , to cite one case, the National Harvest Festival takes place, the first edition of which took place in 1936 .