Definition of


Fruits and vegetables

Veganism invites you to adopt a lifestyle in which every need is covered with products and services that respect the rights of sentient beings and are not the result of abuse, experimentation or exploitation that threatens the life or well-being of animals.

Veganism is the way many people choose to move through this world while causing as little harm as possible to others. It is a philosophy of life, an attitude that extends to food sources and seeks to satisfy basic personal needs, always putting respect for animal rights before every decision or action.

It is a movement that puts empathy and human consideration in favor of each sentient being that inhabits the Earth with the aim of promoting a fair, balanced and pleasant coexistence between all living beings, without distinction of species.

Every November 1st, World Vegan Day is commemorated. It is a date that is used to disseminate information related to what and how this movement is and to raise awareness among the population about the importance of having positive behaviors and habits that aim at self-care and that of others, mental peace and good health .

Principles of veganism

The principles of veganism are summarized in individual effort and commitment to benefit the planet by pursuing collective well-being. Those who recognize themselves as vegans reject every practice or behavior that falls within animal cruelty .

By embracing this trend with conviction, in addition, the environment is favored since, by not demanding products from livestock , the environmental impact is significantly reduced.

Unlike those who follow the guidelines of vegetarianism , the vegan community is not limited to not eating meat but rejects merchandise that, in its production process, requires testing through animal experimentation .

It should be noted that, as veganism expanded and gained followers for the cause in different corners of the world, an industry oriented exclusively to vegan consumers appeared and has been consolidating. Nowadays there are numerous companies in multiple sectors that fall under the name of vegan companies . Thanks to the variety of options, it is possible to eat, dress, put on makeup and take care of yourself without betraying the foundations of this lifestyle. In this regard, it must be emphasized that currently everything from vegan clothing to vegan cosmetics is sold, without losing sight of the existence of vegan restaurants or the social inclusion that is seen in gastronomic establishments that have incorporated vegan recipes in their menus.

vegan food

Vegans obtain nutrients from fruits, vegetables, superfoods, etc.

vegan food

The vegan diet is based on a plant-based diet in which fruits and vegetables are abundant. There is no room for dairy products or any option that comes from the meat industry . It also does not allow the consumption of eggs .

Vegans quench their thirst and nourish themselves with plant-based drinks made with seeds or nuts . Almond milk and kombucha are two of those allowed, as is soy milk .

Among the most popular ingredients when creating a vegan menu are tofu , quinoa , tempeh , canola oil , chickpea flour and seitan , among others.

Combining them with beans , sunflower seeds , vegan cheese , olive oil , lentils , soy , walnuts or pistachios , to list different healthy alternatives, you achieve a balanced diet capable of providing vegetable protein , calcium , Omega-3 and iron .

To guarantee adequate health and nutrition (and not suffer problems derived from, for example, a vitamin B12 deficiency) it is very important that vegan individuals undergo check-ups and agree to take, if a medical indication so suggests, vitamin supplements .

vegan food

The vegan menu supports garlic, turmeric, hummus, oat milk, chickpeas, etc.

Vegan culture and activism

Vegan culture and activism revolve around the defense and protection of animal rights . They do not support or consume anything that is linked to the exploitation , exploitation, slavery , suffering or murder of sentient beings . Every time they are presented with the opportunity, they even repudiate and boycott customs or activities that go against respect for members of the animal kingdom .

As consumers, strict vegans are specifically interested in products that carry the “cruelty-free” label or display a vegan certification .

On the other hand, those most committed to this philosophy of life create meeting spaces to promote and promote veganism and try to ensure that more and more people discover the benefits of this movement of global significance. Just as commercial ventures developed by and for vegans are multiplying (there are already vegan pastries , lines of vegan soaps and shampoo , etc.), vegan events and performances or artistic manifestations that support this position are growing. In these events, workshops, fairs to sell and purchase products, debates with experts on different issues (health, ecology , gastronomy, sustainability ), awareness days, screenings of audiovisual materials – especially documentaries, are usually held. about veganism (e.g. Cowspiracy, Forks Over Knives – and tastings of both sweet and savory delights.