Definition of



Vanity can be linked to arrogance.

Vanity , from Latin vanĭtas , is the quality of vain (empty, hollow or lacking in reality, substance or solidity). This adjective is linked to insubstantiality, arrogance, presumption and conceit .

Nor should we forget that this term in question is used, in the same way, to refer to all that set of things that exist in our world and that have an expiration date.

What is vanity

Vanity is a manifestation of pride and arrogance . The vain person feels superior to his neighbor, whether from an intellectual or physical point of view. The vain person does not hesitate to highlight his supposed ability whenever he can, belittling the rest of the people.

In this sense, vanity covers a feeling of inferiority and the desire to be accepted by others. By displaying his virtues, the vain person tries to demonstrate that he is not less than anyone (what he really feels) and hopes for the applause and admiration of those around him.


Vanity can be associated with presumption.

The concept according to theology

For Christian theology, vanity makes man feel that he does not need God . It is a kind of self-idolatry: the vain person rejects God since he has himself. Vanity, in fact, is one of the capital sins (since it engenders other sins ).

Specifically, we can establish that there are seven capital sins, the vices stipulated by Christianity that must be avoided because they are contrary to the morality of this religion: lust, gluttony, greed, laziness, envy, anger and the aforementioned vanity or pride .

More precisely, we can say that the latter, like the rest of the aforementioned sins, is associated with a very specific demon. In this case it is related to Lucifer, which is the name given to the fallen angel. It is about that angel who had great beauty and wonderful wisdom but who, moved by his pride, found himself dragged to hell where he became Satan.

Vanity and myth of Narcissus

A good way to understand what vanity is is found in the myth of Narcissus . The best-known version of this story states that Narcissus was a young man in love with himself.

One day, upon seeing his beautiful face reflected in a lake, he remains absorbed and enthralled, unable to tear himself away from the image. Finally Narcissus dies (by suicide, drowning or by not being able to separate himself from his reflection, depending on the version) and a beautiful flower grows in the place.

A Spanish magazine

In addition to all of the above, we cannot ignore the fact that there is currently a Madrid publication entitled "Vanidad." It is a magazine that addresses a wide variety of topics, focused almost exclusively on the female audience.

Thus, we find ourselves writing articles on subjects such as fashion, beauty, culture in general, gastronomy or famous people. In the same way, this publication has been so well received that it also has its own radio station and television channel.