Definition of



The trough is the line that marks the deepest sector of a valley or river bed.

The trough is the line that marks the deepest sector of the valleys or river beds . This is the line that allows the points that are at a lower height to be joined: the natural water currents flow through there.

Before continuing, it is important to analyze the etymological origin of the term. In this case, it must be emphasized that it derives from the Latin vacuus , which can be translated as "empty" and which comes, in turn, from the verb vacare (synonymous with "to be empty" ).

Also known as talweg after a German term, the trough exhibits a shift to the right in the southern hemisphere and to the left in the northern hemisphere. This is due to the so-called Coriolis effect , which is a consequence of the movement that planet Earth makes when rotating.

Trough in meteorology

In the field of meteorology , the lower atmospheric pressure that is recorded between two sectors that have high pressure is called a trough. This barometric depression therefore resembles a valley . The trough occurs when a mass of warm, humid air rises through a low pressure sector, located between two higher pressure sectors with colder air masses. This phenomenon causes clouds that develop vertically and precipitation.

Within the meteorological field, based on the origin of the atmospheric trough and its characteristics, the phenomenon can be very similar to what is known as a hurricane , saving the distance.


The notion of trough is also used in meteorology.

The concept in coastal areas

The coastal trough develops in South America . The phenomenon is generated in front of a coastal area, where a low pressure sector is formed.

When it moves eastward, it causes other air masses to descend from the slope of the Andes Mountains .

La Vaguada in Spain

La Vaguada is also the name of a neighborhood in the Spanish city of Málaga . Not to mention that, in addition, La Vaguada is one of the most important shopping centers in Madrid . It is located in the Pilar neighborhood and is considered to be the first of its kind to open in the Spanish capital.

César Manrique was the one who proceeded to design this shopping center, which at first had the conflicting position of the neighbors because they considered that it would put an end to small businesses. However, later they decided to support its construction due to the job offers that it was going to create as well as the public and cultural spaces that it was going to house in its facilities.

It opened in 1983 with a total of five floors, it was remodeled in 2008 and offers a wide variety of establishments, both hypermarkets and small shops, a traditional market, cinemas and high-value services such as the Post Office or pharmacies.