Definition of


grape plant

The grape is the fruit of the vine.

The grape is the fruit obtained from the vine . It is a juicy, round-shaped berry that grows in clusters and is used in different ways.

It should be noted that the plant that is part of the Vitaceae family is known as a vine. The color of its fruit can be green, violet, black or other colors according to the variety, and this is related to the flavor and other characteristics.

Each cluster can have from six to several hundred grapes. In regions with a Mediterranean climate, the grapes are usually harvested at the beginning of autumn or at the end of summer .

grape production

In America , the main grape producers are the United States , Argentina and Chile . If we focus on the European continent , the largest producers are Spain , France and Italy .

A large percentage of grape production is used to make wine , which is obtained from the fermentation of the fruit must. The grape is also consumed fresh and even as dried fruit (in this case, it is called raisin or raisin ).

Choosing the best grapes is not difficult, but their flavor and the benefits they can provide us largely depend on this first step. Their skin should have a uniform color, without spots, and its texture should be soft and smooth. On the other hand, each type of grape must show a particular color to be considered fresh, and this can be difficult to remember given the confusions with the names of the varieties: for example, green grapes must appear slightly yellowish .


There are various types of grapes.

Your benefits

Let's look at some of the benefits of grapes:

  • It helps fight hypertension, since it contains antioxidants and potassium . Its consumption is recommended for breakfast for ten consecutive days, either in its natural form or in juice .
  • Protects and strengthens hair. For this it is necessary to use the oil extracted from grapes and apply a few drops to the scalp after showering. This same product is also recommended to treat acne and to hydrate the skin.
  • It keeps the liver healthy and helps detoxify and purify the body.
  • It is a good remedy against stress, since its antioxidants fight free radicals.

Negative effects of grape consumption

Despite offering so many beneficial properties for our health , grapes should not be consumed in excess, since they have a laxative effect.

On the other hand, it is important to make sure that you do not have any allergies for which they are contraindicated or that you are consuming a drug whose effect they may interfere with, such as those used to combat liver diseases and those that serve to regulate blood clotting. Diabetics should also be moderate when eating this fruit , since it contains sugars.

Traditions and symbolism

Grapes are associated with various traditions and symbolism. In Spain , for example, there is a tradition of taking twelve grapes to say goodbye to New Year's Eve , and this is known as "the twelve grapes of luck" ; Each grape must be eaten at the same time as each of the chimes of the clock that marks zero hours, the beginning of a new year.

Although this tradition seems to have begun in 1909 in Alicante to use the surplus of a harvest , there is evidence that the Spanish bourgeoisie ate grapes and toasted with champagne on New Year's Eve since the previous century.

The Greek god Dionysus , on the other hand, is usually depicted with a bunch of grapes in his hand. Mythology indicates that Dionysus was the creator of viticulture (the discipline dedicated to the cultivation of vines to obtain grapes that allow wine to be produced).