Definition of


psychological problem

A psychological disorder involves an alteration of mental state.

Latin is where we can establish that the etymological origin of disorder is found, a term that is made up of the sum of two words. Thus, it is the result of the union of trans - which is synonymous with "on the other side" and the verb tornare which can be translated as "turn or turn."

The term disorder has different uses. It can refer to a slight alteration in health or a state of mental alienation , for example. Disorder is, on the other hand, the action and effect of disturbing (reversing the regular order of something or disturbing the meaning or behavior of someone).

Psychological disorder

A psychological disorder , for example, refers to an imbalance in a person's mental state. Generally, those who suffer from this type of disorder go to a specialist (the psychologist) to receive treatment (through psychotherapy and other techniques).

In the case of the aforementioned psychological disorders, we can determine that they can be classified into two large categories. On the one hand there would be psychotic disorders , which are those that are characterized because the person who suffers from them suffers hallucinations, a significant affective alteration, especially at the level of relationships, and also delusions. Schizophrenia is perhaps the most significant disorder of this type.

On the other hand, there would be the so-called neurotic disorders . These are defined because the patient conditions not only his thinking but his reality and his social relationships. It reaches this point due to certain phobias or anxiety, among other issues.


Eating disorders are usually associated with a distortion of body image.

Personality alteration

The set of psychiatric conditions that modify the normal development of interpersonal relationships is known as personality disorder . Psychologists believe that there are different genetic and environmental factors that can lead to the appearance of this disorder, which alters the complex pattern of psychological characteristics that define an individual.

Bipolar disorder is an alteration of the mood of a subject that goes from the depressive phase (repetitive periods of depression) to the manic phase (period of great euphoria ) successively. It is caused by a chemical imbalance in neurotransmitters.

Eating disorders

Eating disorders are those diseases that manifest themselves through eating behavior and that reflect other problems, such as the distortion of one's own body image and the acquisition of certain values ​​through the body.

Bulimia and anorexia , for example, are two of the most common eating disorders that affect thousands of people around the world. The first can be defined as a disorder that every person has who binge eats and then, in order to counteract everything they have ingested and avoid gaining weight, they cause themselves to vomit or resort to ingesting laxatives. Anorexia, for its part, is defined by the fact that the person who has this disorder eats very little, or nothing, and in addition to continuing to lose weight by doing countless physical exercises, they also cause themselves to vomit...

Vigorexia , an obsession with physical appearance that leads to an addiction to bodybuilding, megarexia and orthorexia are other of the most common eating disorders.