Definition of



The vehicular flow is known as traffic.

Transit is the action of moving (going from one place to another on roads or public places). The concept is usually used to name the movement of vehicles and people passing through a street , highway or other type of path .

For example: "The traffic in this city is hell" , "Excuse me, I was late because there are traffic problems" , "Motorists should take into account that traffic moves slowly on the main access roads to the city" .

Traffic and congestion

The flow of vehicles may also be known as vehicular traffic or traffic . In large cities, traffic is a factor that largely determines daily life. Depending on traffic conditions, a person may arrive late for work or lose several hours commuting .

Congestion is the most visible traffic problem. This occurs when traffic is not fluid since the number of vehicles is greater than what a street can accommodate. When congestion occurs, cars cannot circulate normally and must reduce their speed or even stop.


Traffic signs help avoid accidents.

The accidents

Traffic management and control is the responsibility of state authorities. This is a very important task for a government , since traffic accidents cause thousands of deaths a year. The correct operation of traffic lights , the signaling of streets, avenues and highways, the care of the pavement and the sanctions for those who violate traffic laws allow us to reduce the possibilities of accidents.

One of the most common causes of traffic accidents is the irresponsible consumption of alcohol before getting into a vehicle. When a group of friends or acquaintances share a car to go to an event where they know they will drink alcoholic beverages, there is a code that consists of one of them staying sober to be in charge of driving on the way back. This rule, respected by many, prevents hundreds of mishaps a year and, since the role of driver is rotating, it is a collective effort.

On the other hand, the issuance of illegal driver's licenses opens the doors to endless potential accidents. Traffic rules respond to a series of needs specific to each region, which are established to guarantee the well-being of its inhabitants, and that is why it is essential to know them thoroughly and respect them; Every time a card is falsified, the obligation to pass the regulatory examination is omitted, so that those people who trust in the responsibility of their fellow citizens are put at risk.

Traffic rules

Traffic rules (or traffic rules, depending on the country) govern the behavior of all citizens on public roads , both drivers and pedestrians. Let's see below some of its main points:

Drivers' Duties

* make sure your vehicle runs well;

* always have the spare parts and tools necessary to deal with potential emergencies;

* take care of the condition of all the car's components, such as the steering system, lights and brakes, rearview mirrors and windshield;

* use the vehicle in a prudent manner, paying attention at all times to the actions of other drivers and pedestrians;

* do not drink alcohol before driving;

* Refrain from making phone calls and other activities that may distract them during the trip.

Pedestrian Duties

* always walk in permitted areas;

* look both ways and check that the cars are stopped before starting to cross the street;

* maintain a safe distance from moving vehicles;

* avoid distractions that could lead to accidents of any magnitude.