Definition of


PasserbyPasserby , which derives from the Latin word transiens , is an adjective that describes someone who is passing through a place . A passerby, therefore, is someone who passes through a certain area .

The notion of pedestrian, in this framework, is usually used as a synonym for pedestrian or pedestrian : a person who walks on a public road. For example: "I am bothered by motorists who do not respect passers-by" , "The motorcyclist lost control of his vehicle and ended up hitting a passer-by" , "Pedestrians must also respect the traffic light indications" .

One of the obvious characteristics of the pedestrian but necessary for the organization of public roads is that he is not a driver, that is, he does not move using a car but rather does so on foot . This opens the doors to a wide number of possibilities, particularly if we include in the equation the elderly, small children, those who carry their babies in strollers and any individual who has a physical disability that prevents them from walking. own means and, therefore, needs the help of crutches or a wheelchair , for example.

All of these people, and those not included on the list, need the Government to guarantee their safety . They must be able to move freely on the street knowing that if they respect the rules, the presence of motorized vehicles will not put their physical integrity at risk and that their particular needs will also be taken into account when designing public spaces.

Pedestrians with reduced mobility need ramps and other resources to get on and off sidewalks easily. It is also mandatory to adapt traffic lights so that blind people can cross the streets safely: for this there are sound systems that represent the lights with different beep patterns.

PasserbySidewalks must also have areas in which their surface has different "grain" patterns so that when blind people step on them they can understand if they are near an obstacle , on the edge of the train tracks, about to reach the curb or a staircase, among other issues that could cause accidents if they were not warned of their presence. These are the podotactile surfaces , also known as vigilance wake bands .

Although it may seem obvious, when people are in a closed public space , such as a shopping center, we do not speak of "passers-by", since they all fall into this category without exception.

Another use of transient refers to someone who lacks a fixed residence . Passersby, in this sense, are nomads , since they only settle in a space temporarily and then go somewhere else. The concept can also be linked to the subject who is not established in a space , but is only visiting or passing through: «In the summer, traffic accidents multiply due to the transient population that comes to the town to enjoy the beach. » , «For many years, these mountains received transient peoples who stayed for a few months and then continued on their way» , «My home is the world, I am a transient» .

In the field of philosophy , what is produced by an agent and its effect ends outside of it is mentioned as a transient. Depending on their characteristics, actions can be transient or immanent. The transient action implies that its effect affects another different agent ; the immanent action, on the other hand, that the effect remains in the individual himself.