Definition of



Tranquility is achieved in a framework of external and internal serenity. A healthy and balanced diet, positive habits, good rest and moments of leisure contribute to being in full health.

Tranquility is a state that the human being achieves by being internally serene in a peaceful setting. A calm environment transmits peace , just as being in harmony with oneself and achieving a healthy balance between mind, body and spirit generates well-being and fulfillment .

Tranquility is essential and beneficial at every stage of our existence. Babies and children need it to grow and develop with emotional support, security and calm ; It helps young people not to overwhelm themselves in periods of crisis in which they are tormented by nervousness or anxiety , and it allows adults to combat stress and preserve mental health .

Fortunately, there are multiple sources of tranquility , which is why each subject has the possibility of seeking and obtaining it in numerous ways depending on their preferences, needs and lifestyle.

Spaces of tranquility

It is extremely valuable and enriching to have spaces of tranquility every day. In a world that pushes us to follow a dizzying pace to face daily commitments, responsibilities and obligations, it seems impossible to hit the brakes and find moments of peace .

But we do have to learn to disconnect for a while from everything that weighs us down, stresses us or worries us and enjoy leisure time, reserving moments for free time , recreation and relaxation without being aware of any technological device.

To minimize the risk of suffering from diseases, rest is vital, for example. Poor sleep is harmful: according to scientific research, an insufficient level of sleep is associated with a greater chance of developing chronic health problems. It is advisable to rest well at night, ensuring at least seven hours in a row of deep, restful sleep . During the day, if possible, we should allow ourselves a short nap to recharge our energy and feel better.

Both in those moments of rest and every time we experience exhaustion, satiety and nervousness, stillness and silence are ideal. Of course, it is not about slowing down the world or "turning down the volume" on everything around us: the sounds of nature , to point out a specific case, are not only wonderful but also cause pleasant sensations and give well-being.

Also music , as long as songs are chosen that positively stimulate us or transmit peace to us, is an extraordinary company.

It is interesting to keep in mind that, in addition to moments reserved to regain balance , it is possible to create corners within the home that are used for exercises or actions that relieve and calm. Individual believers can set up a kind of altar or religious sector with images and candles where they can give themselves body and soul to prayer or, regardless of faith, it is advisable to light incense or place a salt lamp in some environment.

Leisure moments

Reading, listening to music and going for a walk are activities that help distract the mind.

Options to promote relaxation

There are many options to promote relaxation . Choosing between one or the other will depend on several factors: time availability, geographic location, access (or not) to certain resources or knowledge, personal interests, etc.

There are those who calm down and distract themselves by riding a bike or reading a book , while other people resort to practices such as yoga , mindfulness or meditation .

There are also many lovers of sunrise and sunset to contemplate a landscape or the tones of the sky . Tastes are varied and every routine or plan is welcome when it comes to seeking mental, physical, mood or health improvement.

It is valid and respectable that, to clear up and calm down, some can only drink tea and take a hot bath before going to bed and that others organize vacations somewhere away from the hustle and bustle and urban noises in order to de-stress. and regain strength to continue facing daily challenges in the best possible way.

A walk in solitude through the countryside or through some less-traveled area, delighting in making or appreciating art , taking a walk outdoors allowing the wind to ruffle our hair or practicing a sport are other alternatives with revitalizing power that have the capacity to do good. .


To combat stress and recover energy, you must allow yourself activities, moments and places that are good for the mind, body and soul.

Therapies that help achieve peace of mind

Currently, various therapies are carried out that contribute to achieving peace of mind . In this framework, when stress overwhelms and it becomes urgent to work on achieving inner peace and calming the mind , deep breathing exercises and massages are an excellent starting point.

If you want to improve your mood, lower anxiety levels and strengthen your memory, for example, music therapy can be a great help. Aromatherapy , meanwhile, is recommended in cases of insomnia, depressive symptoms, nervousness and pain, among other problems, since it takes advantage of the benefits of essential oils to stimulate positive reactions in the body.