Definition of

Influence peddling

illicit activity

Influence peddling is an illicit activity.

Influence peddling is a concept that refers to what happens when a subject who has a certain power or authority within the government receives money to influence decisions that favor the person paying . Suppose the State opens a tender to build a hospital. A company

From the Italian traffico , the term traffic usually refers to the movement of vehicles on public roads . Traffic fluidity, in this sense, is associated with the possibility that cars, motorcycles, trucks, etc. They can move around the street normally. When there is a lot of traffic, congestion occurs that prevents progress.

Traffic, however, can refer to the transit of other things, from people to objects through symbolic issues. That is why we can also talk about the idea of ​​influence peddling .

Influence is known as the influence or preponderance exerted by something or someone. This concept can be associated, in this way, with the power that one person has over another, which allows them to act on their thoughts and behaviors.

Influence peddling in Spain

Regarding Spain , for example, the law criminalizes various cases of influence peddling:

  • The one carried out by the official or authority who, thanks to his position, proceeds to influence another official or authority to achieve a resolution that provides an economic benefit for himself or a third party. The sanctions for this situation are a financial fine, disqualification from public office and also a prison sentence.
  • That which is carried out by an individual on an authority or official thanks to having a personal relationship with this or another. What the first intends to achieve with this influence peddling action is for the second to grant him a resolution that will benefit himself or a third party. The pertinent judicial authority, in this case, will establish a prison sentence and fine.

With influence peddling, a powerful person seeks to exploit their preponderance in a certain area.

Examples in recent decades

In recent decades, there have been many situations that have occurred around the world in which authorities have been accused and even convicted, in certain cases, of having carried out influence peddling. Among those we can highlight the following:

  • The indictment in July 2014 of the former president of the Republic of France , Nicolás Sarkozy , for influence peddling, corruption and violation of investigative secrecy.
  • Sonia Castedo , mayor of Alicante , was charged in late 2014 in a case related to a builder.
  • Former congresswoman Nancy Patricia Gutiérrez , from Colombia , was accused of influence peddling for using information in favor of a debate on political control.

Influence peddling and lobbying

This practice is considered a crime in many countries. It must be clarified, however, that lobbying is a similar activity that is not punished.

Lobbyists seek to influence and convince political leaders on various issues, acting at events, meetings, etc. There are companies that hire influential people to lobby governments on their behalf.