Definition of



Tofu is often referred to as tofu.

Tofu is a food that is produced from soy ( soy ) milk. Its production process is similar to that of cheese , which is why tofu is often defined as "tofu."

The process is developed from so-called soy milk, which is a liquid obtained after soaking, grinding and filtering soybeans. To produce tofu, soy milk is coagulated and then pressed, separating the solid part from the rest of the liquid. In this way, a product of good consistency is obtained, which is usually sold in cubes.

Origin of tofu

It is said that tofu was born in China before Christ . Over the years it reached Japan , Korea and other Asian countries . Currently, tofu is one of the best-known oriental cuisine foods worldwide.

Among the uses of tofu are the preparation of meatballs and croquettes and the filling of pasta , among many other options.

Asian cuisine

Tofu is popular in oriental cuisine.

Its characteristics

Because tofu production does not require the use of animal -derived ingredients, tofu is popular among vegans and vegetarians . It should be noted that tofu has a high level of iron , magnesium and calcium , although these values ​​depend on the coagulant used. Tofu, on the other hand, is low in calories and fat.

Calcium chloride , magnesium chloride , and calcium sulfate are the most commonly used coagulants for tofu production. Different spices can be included in the process that modify the final flavor of the product.

The demand for tofu has increased around the world in recent years, not only due to awareness of the need to follow a healthy and balanced diet but also due to globalization, which means that we know more about the cultures and cuisines of other countries. .

Benefits of tofu

Those who choose to include it in their diet usually do so because it brings with it a long list of benefits, among which we can highlight the following:

  • It helps the bones remain in perfect condition.
  • Helps improve blood circulation.
  • It is great for reducing cholesterol levels.
  • Those who have heart disease, weight problems or hypertension are advised to eat tofu as a way to receive the same proteins that other products can provide that are more harmful to their health because, for example, they provide excessive levels of fat.
  • It is considered an ideal food for women who are facing menopause, as it helps them strengthen their bones, reducing the risk of suffering from diseases such as osteoporosis . This is because it provides good levels of calcium.
  • There are those who consider, based on certain scientific studies that have been published, that eating this food reduces the chances of suffering from cancer.
  • There is also the idea that tofu can help improve fertility in women who want to get pregnant.