Definition of



A therapeutic treatment aims to cure or improve the quality of life.

Therapeutic is a concept that comes from the Greek language and that refers to that linked to the branch of medicine that is responsible for the dissemination of guidelines and the supply of remedies to treat health problems .

Specifically, we can determine that it is a word that is generated from the sum of two Greek components such as these:

-The verb “therapeuein”, which can be translated as “care”.

-The suffix “-tico”, which is equivalent to “relative to”.

What is a therapeutic treatment

Therapeutic is called, therefore, the medicinal specialty in charge of the means for the treatment of ailments and conditions with the aim of achieving cure or minimizing symptoms.

A therapeutic treatment , in this way, has as its maximum objective the healing of the patient. It may include the provision of drugs and the indication of various actions (rest, a certain type of diet, physical exercises) to ensure that the disease is completely reversed.

When cure is not possible, the doctor may resort to therapeutic treatments that provide relief from symptoms ( symptomatic treatments ) or improve the person's quality of life ( palliative treatments ).

Massage therapy

The therapeutic use of massages is widespread.

Occupational and manual therapy

Occupational therapy is the treatment that seeks the rehabilitation of the individual by suggesting that he do movements and acts of daily life. These treatments are aimed at psychological disorders and those of a somatic type.

Manual therapy , on the other hand, consists of the application of massages to treat injuries and health disorders. Also called massage therapy , manual therapy is part of physiotherapy.

Therapeutic benefit of reading

There are other measures that are also considered to be especially therapeutic for certain patients. This was, for example, how what has been called bibliotherapy was shaped, which means something like the therapeutic benefit of reading.

Specifically, it is considered that many people can improve their mental and physical health by reading all types of books. Thus, there will be those who find their best therapy in self-help works, with which they can learn to speak in public to release stress, while others will achieve it through novels, for example. And with these they will escape from their reality for a while, they will leave their problems behind, they will awaken their emotions with the stories of the protagonists...

Music as an ally of health

In the same way, we cannot forget that, in many cases, music is also used for a clear therapeutic purpose. And it is considered that it, whether used to be heard, interpreted or danced, brings with it benefits such as these:

-Regulates rhythm, breathing, coordination...

-Helps express emotions.

-Improves the person's individual expression.

-It acts on the nervous system.

-Reduces stress levels.

Therapeutic use of electricity

We can also refer to electroconvulsive therapy , which consists of using electricity to generate seizures as part of the treatment of certain mental disorders.

Schizophrenia , acute depression, various kinds of mania and other problems have been treated in this way.