Definition of

Study technique


Study techniques promote learning.

Learning is a process of acquiring skills and knowledge , which occurs through teaching , experience or study . Regarding study, it can be said that it is the effort or work that a person uses to learn something.

On the other hand, a technique is a procedure whose objective is to obtain a certain result. It involves a set of norms and rules that are used as a means to achieve an end.

Therefore, a study technique is a tool to facilitate studying and improve your achievements. Specialists affirm that the study technique requires an active attitude , where the student assumes his role and overcomes passivity.

Types of study technique

There are different study techniques. For example, the synthesis is a summary of what was written by an author, but with other words. It is recommended to read complete paragraphs to determine what the essential contents are and rewrite them, without losing the connections between the author's main ideas.

Footnotes or marginal notes are also part of the study techniques. The subject who is studying can write down key words or make a summary of what has been read. Another possibility is to underline the main ideas .

One aspect to take into account when starting to develop a study technique is the physical space where the student is located. It is important that it is bright, that it has good ventilation and that there is no excessive noise. The materials necessary for study should also not be forgotten, such as textbooks, papers, markers and pens.

language learning

In the case of studying foreign languages, there are countless myths about the best methods to learn and function fluently. First of all, it is important to understand and accept from the beginning that it is not possible to incorporate dozens of new words per session; Some teachers claim that in the best of cases you can only remember 20 percent of what you learned in a class, without having to review it. Of course, in general, if factors such as fatigue and personal problems are taken into account, the percentage is considerably lower.

Many associate the concept of study with reading and memorization , and practice shows that the best way is to combine different techniques and media . Continuing with foreign languages, it is extremely useful to accompany textbook lessons with movies, music and video games. It is precisely through personal tastes that a language is internalized in an infallible way, since it becomes an indispensable tool for leisure, and that is when the student stops associating the content with boredom.


In the field of music, there are various study techniques that help the development of skills.

Study techniques in music

In music , for example, learning a piece of certain complexity is a task that requires a lot of perseverance and a great capacity for concentration. But it is also very important to know how to study, since it is not much use to play or sing a composition hundreds of times over several weeks. A good technique is to break down the work into small parts, and treat them separately, identifying the challenge that each one presents , so that it is possible to practice one or the other according to the time available and the mood, and the pressure is not felt. to repeat it entirely every time.

Another tip for studying musical pieces is to perform them with different styles and modes, trying to play with them while practicing . For example, taking a sad song and interpreting it as if it were a happy one, or playing a fast piece at a slow speed, and even making spontaneous variations.