Definition of



A style of jazz is known as swing.

The dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ) does not include the term swing , a concept of the English language that can be translated as swinging , swinging or oscillation .

The notion can be used in different contexts. It is usually associated with the rhythm or the sensation generated by certain music, inviting you to dance or move. A band with swing, in this sense, is one whose musicians maintain coherence and rhythmic cohesion.

Swing and jazz

Swing is also a style that is part of the genre known as jazz . Groups that perform swing music usually have saxophone, double bass, clarinet, piano and drums, among other instruments. Swing, developed by artists such as Duke Ellington and Benny Goodman , is characterized by fast or medium tempos.

Towards the end of the 1920s, this musical style emerged in the United States and quickly became popular and became one of the most relevant in the country. It is considered to be influenced by music hall and it is established that key figures in its beginnings were artists of the stature of Ella Fitzgerald , Benny Carter or Fletcher Henderson .


The movement a golfer makes to hit the ball is called the swing.

From New York to Europe

The city of New York is considered to be the city that most and best opted to give relevance to swing and this was especially achieved by great bands from the city such as the famous Cotton Pickers , which had drummer and bandleader William McKinney as its leader. However, little by little other equally relevant ones emerged in other areas of the country, as would be the case, for example, of Artie Shaw.

It is also important to know that, due to the 1929 crisis that occurred in the United States, many artists emigrated to Europe . And this was precisely what caused swing to begin to become known, grow and consolidate in the old continent. It was precisely in Paris where his own school was created and how he managed to be a reference thanks to figures such as Django Reinhardt .

Swing songs and dancing

Among the most important songs of this musical style are "Come fly with me" , performed by Frank Sinatra and Count Basie , or "It don't mean a thing" , by Ella Fitzgerald .

The typical dance of this musical style is also called swing. It emerged at the beginning of the 20th century in the American South, especially in the African-American population of New Orleans .

The concept in sport and finance

In the field of sports , a movement that tennis , golf , cricket and baseball players perform when hitting the ball is called swing. It is a movement of the arm that holds the racket , bat or club, drawing a kind of fan in the air.

Swing trading , finally, is a technique that investors use when analyzing changes in the price of stock securities through graphs. By observing how prices evolve with each session, swing trading helps to notice stock trends. This makes it easier to make decisions, whether to buy or sell the securities.