Definition of


Supremacy in sport

In sports, supremacy is achieved with effort and talent, it is not imposed.

Supremacy implies reaching the highest degree in something, placing oneself in it. The concept refers to superiority or preponderance .

In context

For example: "The Radical Party maintained its supremacy in the southern part of the country, but did not achieve good results in the rest of the national territory" , "The supremacy of the team at the local level is evident: so far this year it has played fifteen games and won fourteen» , «For many, the supremacy of this brand's cars is indisputable» .

in sport

The idea of ​​supremacy is used in the field of sport to refer to competitors who tend to prevail over the rest or those who have better results . If we focus on the Soccer World Cup , to mention one possibility, we will find a supremacy of Brazil : the men's team of this team became world champion five times, a record that no other nation has reached to date.

male supremacy

Male supremacy , meanwhile, defends the preeminence of men over women. Known as machismo , it implies conceiving the man as the head of the family groups (and, by extension, of society).

Like any other type of discrimination, it is based on absolutely arbitrary concepts, since nature does not lead us through genetics to treat someone badly because they do not look like us, because they have other ideas or because they are of the opposite sex. Another point in common with the rest of the discriminatory movements is that it can cause a wide degree of damage to the victims , from unpleasant moments that make them cry to driving them to suicide, without leaving aside the cases in which the perpetrator is the one who harms them. He takes the life of his victim based on his unfounded contempt.

We cannot say that male supremacy is a simple phenomenon, but rather that it can take many forms and affect both women and men themselves . It is important to highlight that this form of discrimination does not benefit all human beings who were born male, but only those who follow a series of rules or social norms . In other words, a homosexual or transsexual boy is not considered part of this "privileged group", but rather another opponent, to whom abuse also occurs.

racial supremacy

There are racist movements, on the other hand, that postulate racial supremacy . According to this position, there are superior races that are called to dominate and inferior races that must be maintained in a position of subordination.

White supremacy , in this framework, maintains that white people have to subjugate those who belong to other ethnicities, since white people are superior to the rest. This racism was practiced in the United States for a long time, when non-whites were forced into slavery and lacked many basic rights.

racial supremacy

Racial supremacy is arbitrary and extremely harmful.

Throughout human history, racial supremacy has taken different forms, although all of them have been regrettable and unjust . It is worth mentioning that terms associated with colors are often used that do not even accurately reflect the tones of our skin: no one is really white, black, yellow or red. There is also no one who has skin of only one color . Based on these issues alone, discrimination should not be sustained. However, hate can become stronger than reason.

Beyond the immense damage that discrimination causes, one of its worst characteristics is that it can be carried out in silence, without giving obvious signs. Racial supremacy often manifests itself with invisible barriers to those who were not born with a certain race, leaving them out of job or student opportunities or even denying them the purchase of a home.