Definition of



Superfluous expenses are those that are not necessary.

Even Latin must be “gone away” in order to find the etymological origin of the superfluous term that concerns us now. Specifically, we can say that it is a word that derives from “superfluus”, which has been formed from the sum of two parts:

-The prefix “super-”, which can be translated as “above”.

-The root of the verb “fluere”, which is synonymous with “flow”.

The concept refers to what is left over or unnecessary . For example: “Let's not waste time with superfluous topics: let's discuss the central issue of this issue” , “The film remains superfluous and does not delve into the couple's problems” , “Minimalist decoration is based on the elimination of superfluous elements .

Superfluous expenses

It is common for the notion to be associated with expenses . In this sense, we can distinguish between necessary or essential expenses and superfluous expenses . Let's take the case of a family. In the home economy, there are certain expenses that must be made: paying for electricity, water and electricity services, buying food, etc. If the family does not make these expenses, it cannot satisfy its basic needs. On the other hand, other expenses are not essential. Among them we can name going out to eat, going to the movies or buying an ornament. All these expenses, therefore, can be classified as superfluous.

For governments , eliminating superfluous spending is very important to avoid deficits . Opposition political parties, in fact, often denounce the existence of superfluous expenses since they imply inefficient administration of public funds .


For one person, a certain phone application may be superfluous; For another subject, that same tool may be essential.

The role of subjectivity

Sometimes, the superfluous rating is very subjective . A person who buys a cell phone (mobile) with the sole intention of talking to his child may claim that the device's games and camera are superfluous features.

On the other hand, the teenager who buys the phone to entertain himself in his free time will consider these applications to be very important. It all depends on the analysis that is carried out.

Superfluous individuals

We cannot ignore either that in some countries the superfluous term we are addressing is used to refer to certain individuals. Specifically, it is used to define people who are characterized because they are very frivolous, since they only worry about aspects such as money or appearance; because they do not have the capacity to talk about important topics or because they are always worrying about absurd aspects and issues.

So, for example, a man or a woman who is looking for a partner by simply looking at the money they may have in their checking account or their physical appearance, we can say that they are superfluous people.

A stereotype in Russian literature

To all this we must add that within Russian literature there exists the figure of the so-called superfluous man. It is a stereotype that is easily found in the works made in that country during the 19th century and is characterized by belonging to the aristocracy or having high purchasing power, by being very idealistic and by having great intelligence.

All of this without overlooking that he is also identified by the fact that he is dissatisfied with the society in which he has lived and that he does not believe in anything or anyone.