Definition of



Caviar is a sumptuous product due to its high cost.

Sumptuous is an adjective that describes something that is large in size and ostentatious or pompous . For example: “The actor gave a sumptuous car to his new girlfriend,” “The Duchess always lived in sumptuous castles: she knows no other type of home,” “The Arab nation surprised at the inauguration of another sumptuous stadium.”

In order to properly understand the meaning of the term, it is necessary to establish its etymological origin. It is a word that derives from the Latin sumptuosus, which is the result of the sum of two different components:

  • Sumptus , which can be translated as “cargo” .
  • The suffix -osus , which is used as a synonym for “abundant in” .

Concept of sumptuous

The sumptuous is not only immense and luxurious: it is also very expensive . That is why these types of products can only be acquired or manufactured by those who have great wealth and can make significant expenses or investments.

Take the case of a home that has six bedrooms, four bathrooms, a huge living room, garden, heated pool and garage for four cars. The house was built with top quality materials and has gold taps. It also has several air conditioning units, heating in all rooms and a microcinema. For all these characteristics, the house in question can be described as sumptuous .

Even food can be defined as sumptuous according to its ingredients. A table for two that presents ten courses with caviar, duck, pink salmon, wild boar and other proposals will allow you to enjoy a sumptuous dinner.

In this sense, we can say that a person makes a sumptuous shopping list if it includes expensive and high-quality products such as Iberian meats, fruits with designation of origin and select wines.

In the same way, this adjective is sometimes used to refer to objects that have great value due to their origin or the year in which they are dated. This is how the work titled “The Elements of Euclid” is considered, which was carried out in the 19th century by the writer Oliver Byrne and where some of the most important theorems and studies carried out by the Greek philosopher and mathematician are thoroughly analyzed. gives it a name.

German automobile

Luxury cars are sumptuous goods.

The term applied to abstract questions or situations

The term can even qualify abstract issues or situations .

A historian can affirm that the past of a region is sumptuous when it is known that, years ago, said area had great wealth. This can be seen from the buildings from other times and from the documents that narrate what life was like in the place.

Sumptuous in "World of Warcraft"

It should not be overlooked that the notion at hand also gains prominence within the video game sector, specifically in the one titled “World of Warcraft” .

In this proposal there is what is known as sumptuous fur . This is a material for making fabrics that comes from the beasts of Draenor .