Definition of


Fasten sheets with clips

With the help of a clip, we can hold two or more sheets of paper.

To hold is a verb that comes from the Latin subiectāre . The term can refer to immobilizing or holding something so that it does not become disordered or fall.

A regular action

Holding is an action that is performed very frequently. When a person takes a glass with their hand to drink, to mention one case, what they do is hold the container in question and bring it closer to their mouth.

For example: “Could you give me a clip to hold the papers, please?” , “Don't forget to hold your pants with a clip so they don't fly away in the wind” , “The tape was cut and now I don't know how to hold the blind and make it stay up” .

In the first example, the sender asks his interlocutor for a well-known tool generally used in the office: a paper clip . It is an object made of metal and sometimes covered with some type of plastic, which has a mechanism similar to that of a clamp and serves to keep two or more sheets of paper grouped together, to hold them . In this way, we prevent them from being dispersed and lost, but we also put them together because they belong to the same project or topic.

The verb hold is also used to exert a force contrary to that of the wind, as expressed in the second example when mentioning the need to use a clip to prevent one's pants from blowing away. Finally, the force of gravity can also be counteracted by using this action, either with our body or with the help of an artificial tool, such as a clamp, a rope or adhesive tape.

Various intentions

If an individual grabs another and holds him tightly , he is holding him down. This act may be logical or even positive, but it may also be a form of violence .

A mother who is responsible for holding her baby so that he does not fall while walking him is not doing anything wrong. Whoever holds someone who is about to lose balance on a ledge , meanwhile, is saving their life. However, a kidnapper can hold his victim down to prevent her from escaping , or a violent man can do the same with his partner to intimidate her and not allow her to act freely .

personal defense

Continuing with the various intentions that the use of this action can have, we come to the field of self- defense , where restraint is necessary in many cases to immobilize our opponent. For example, we can mention grips , very useful techniques in dangerous situations. The so-called "Tapaboca", for example, is used to act when we are surprised from behind and cover our mouth to prevent us from asking for help. The steps are as follows:

* Using both hands, we take the attacker's hand, move it away from our mouth and bring it to our chest area;

* with a movement of the legs, we turn the body in either direction, until we are facing the aggressor;

* without stopping holding his arm, we began to hit him with our knees and finished the sequence by pushing him;

* we put ourselves on guard and prepare for a potential fight, evaluating the characteristics of our environment.

Hold Self Defense

In self-defense, holding the aggressor serves to immobilize him.

Restraint can come from the aggressor or the victim, or be used by both parties with different intentions. Sometimes it is the starting point of the attack, while other times it serves to prevent it from progressing.

Women's clothing

Finally, the garment whose function is to support the female breast is called a bra . This can be a bra (also called a bustier) or a bikini top.