Definition of



In a hierarchical relationship there is subordination.

Subordination is a term of Latin origin that refers to the relationship of dependence between one element and another. There are different types of subordination or subjection to something, for example: command , dominion or someone's order .

The domination implicit in subordination can be formal or symbolic. Furthermore, it is important to point out that although it is usual for the subordinate to comply with command due to the existence of a hierarchical relationship that he understands and accepts, it often happens that said dominance is produced by applying force , such as the imposition of a certain social behavior by law enforcement through threats and physical violence.

Subordination in grammar

In grammar, this concept is used to refer to the dependency relationship established between two or more elements that belong to different grammatical categories (noun-adjective, preposition-regime, etc.) or between two sentences.

For a subordinate clause to be formed, a hierarchical relationship must exist between two parts. In this way, all syntactic subordination or hypotaxis implies a dependency relationship where the main preposition has a higher hierarchy than the subordinate proposition. This means that both parts cannot be exchanged without altering the meaning of the sentence.


Subordination can be established in different ways.

Subordinate clauses

Subordinate or secondary clauses are those that do not have autonomy and necessarily depend on another clause, which is called the main clause. The relationship between both sentences is introduced through phrases or conjunctions. There are two types of subordinate clauses, those that have a verb conjugated in a finite way ( explicit ) or those that have a verb that is conjugated in an indefinite way ( implicit ).

It is important to clarify that, although these sentences allow us to know more about the subject that carries out the action in the main sentence, they are not essential for it to make sense, while without this main sentence, the subordinate clause will lack it.

The links in subordination

When putting together a subordinate clause, it is necessary to use certain links , which are essential to establish the relationship and identify the degree of hierarchy of the two parts. Sometimes these links can be omitted, when they are implicit in the meaning of the sentence. This grammatical device is known as juxtaposition . Example: «Roberto couldn't play. "He was injured." The full form of this sentence would be: "Roberto couldn't play because he was injured."

It is important to note that subordination can also be found within the same sentence, in the different elements that make it up. There are different types of subordination within a sentence which correspond to the three fundamental parts that make it up: nouns, adjectives and adverbs. In this way, subordinate clauses can be substantive, adjective or adverbial (also known as circumstantial).

Examples according to type

*Substantive subordination: The subordinate complement functions as a noun , that is, as a subject that performs the action. In the following sentence "He who sings is from my people" the subordinate part is "he who sings."

* Adverbial subordination: Introduces temporal, local, modal or comparative references into the sentence, modifying the verb. In case it is not clear, they are classified in the same way as circumstantial complements. In the sentence "The child eats as much as he wants" the subordinate clause is "as much as he wants."

*Adjective subordination: The preposition fulfills the function of explaining, substantiating or specifying about the fundamental element of the noun in the same way that adjectives do. They are usually preceded by expressions such as that, which, which, whose, who. In the sentence "The child who studies passes," the subordinate clause is "who studies."

Other examples of subordinate clauses are: "If you drink, don't drive," "I'm sleepy, so I'm going to sleep for a while," and "That's the church where we got married."