Definition of



The subliminal is located below the threshold of consciousness.

Subliminal is that which is located below the threshold of consciousness . When the term is applied to a stimulus , it refers to the fact that it is not consciously perceived, but nevertheless influences behavior .

A subliminal message , for example, is designed so that the recipient receives it on an unconscious level . It may be, for example, an image that is transmitted so briefly that consciousness does not notice it, but it remains recorded in memory.

Subliminal advertising

It is said that subliminal content is used by some advertisements, although the transmission of this type of advertising messages is usually punishable by law. With subliminal advertising , it is possible to present a product or service to the consumer so that they feel like purchasing it without knowing the real reasons that lead them to do so.

For example, there are those who say that the Coca-Cola bottle is shaped like a woman's silhouette, to subliminally "conquer" those who feel sexual attraction to the female gender.

It should be noted that subliminal advertising is not synonymous with associative advertising , a valid technique from a legal point of view and that does not act at an unconscious level, but rather with social associations. An example of associative advertising are tobacco commercials, which usually show smokers as sensual and interesting subjects, happy and proud of their lives, without traces of the fundamental reasons that lead a person to smoke: stress, personal dissatisfaction , shyness and insecurity, among others. In this way, the consumer can interpret that if he smokes he will obtain, among other things, success on a sentimental level.

We can mention, in this framework, subliminal positive affirmations , which are phrases that are recorded so that the receiver listens to them repeatedly and his unconscious assimilates the information. Subliminal positive affirmations are used to stop smoking or eliminate phobias, for example.


It is usually indicated that the Coca Cola bottle is shaped like a female figure as a subliminal message.

Tools in entertainment

Derren Brown is a British mentalist and illusionist very famous in his homeland, who in recent decades has performed all kinds of shows on theater and television to try to convince his viewers of the veracity of his power. Their tricks usually have a common denominator: making the participant discover a secret on their own, without even knowing how they did it.

In 2009, a special he made on English television was very popular, through which he intended to generate a kind of collective hypnosis , making his viewers believe that they were going to connect to a great energy network... or lie. During the minutes prior to the moment long awaited by millions of English people tired of the harsh and boring reality, Derren explained that it would be necessary to remain seated in a comfortable position, watching the television attentively for a few seconds, after which, he assured, the entire public I would share the feeling of not being able to get out of the seat no matter how hard I tried.

He also warned that one could suffer deep fatigue and even dizziness, so that those who were not willing to provoke this state would choose to stay out of the experiment. Fortunately for the unbelievers, but unfortunately for the billionaire showman, the Internet broadcast of the show exposed the trick that did affect viewers: a series of unpleasant and gloomy images were broadcast for very brief periods throughout the supposed hypnosis. , without being able to be seen on a conscious level.

The video compression and lower number of frames per second of the online version were enough to nullify the effectiveness of this manipulation practice, which some claim was the same one used by large companies decades before.