Concept of



Selfless support, empathy and altruism are necessary for solidarity to exist.

Solidarity is a concept derived from the Latin term soliditas , which referred to a homogeneous, whole and united reality where the elements that made up that whole were of the same nature .

Thus, the notion of solidarity describes the occasional adherence to a cause or to the projects of others. It is commonly used to describe an action of a generous or well-intentioned nature . In any case, its etymological root refers to behaviour in-solidum ; that is, the destinies of two or more people are linked. Therefore, being a supportive person is not limited to offering help, but implies a commitment to the person you are trying to help.

True solidarity

The most basic sense of solidarity is that it is developed without distinction, limits or conditions of sex, race, nationality, religion or political affiliation. The only purpose of solidarity can be directed at human beings in need . However, the use of the term has been distorted by the abuse of political discourse and so-called solidarity marketing .

True solidarity is helping someone without receiving anything in return and without anyone finding out. Being supportive is, in essence, being selfless . That is why it is said that solidarity is motivated only by the conviction of justice and equality .


Solidarity can be expressed in charitable actions, charity campaigns and volunteer work.

The philosophy of the Christian conception

It was Christian theology that adopted these precepts for the first time when referring to the group of human beings, equal among themselves as children of God and united in the bonds of a society . The first Christian community was based on this concept and in it fraternity was fundamental, impelling them to seek the good of all those who formed part of the group.

From the philosophical point of view of the Christian conception of society, solidarity is the way in which a group should be organized politically and socially, where the main goal is the well-being of each and every one of the individuals that make it up. Solidarity is the fundamental element for achieving the development of a healthy social doctrine and should always occupy a special place in everyday life. The common good, authority and subsidiarity are also the foundations of all social philosophy: without them a society could never move towards an end of collective benefit.


Anyone who provides assistance or collaboration to others without asking for anything in return demonstrates their solidarity.

Solidarity in law

For its part, legal science uses this term to refer to an individual within a legally homogeneous group, with univocal assets and rights. In this case, solidarity includes a high level of responsibility on the part of each individual with respect to the whole.

The law also considers solidarity to be fundamental for a society to progress, as it is the way in which rights and obligations are balanced and harmony is found.

The globalist vision

Today, the concept has also taken on a globalist social dimension . The possibility of understanding what is happening in every corner of the planet and the relations between different countries has led to the creation of a collective consciousness where people in solidarity are those who fight against social injustices in any aspect (poverty, hunger, sexual discrimination, etc.) in pursuit of a more united and peaceful world.

But it is necessary to clarify that solidarity today is not understood as a religious term (there are those who consider that the Church is not supportive when it imposes restrictions such as marriage between homosexuals or any project where the dignity of the person is not respected above all), but that it has to do with the very nature of the human species because it reflects the conception of social life, brotherhood and the sense of community . Solidarity is not an action reserved for the virtuous, it is a task for all human beings, whatever society they live in.

For this concept to become a reality, three components are strictly necessary: ​​compassion (essential for approaching human and social reality and empathizing with the pain and shortcomings of others), recognition (only by recognizing human dignity in others does compassion take on a supportive tone) and universality (helplessness and indigence are the qualities that can allow us to see the fundamental condition of every human being that acquires universality in life in society).

Other meanings of the term solidarity

Finally, it is worth mentioning two other meanings of the concept of solidarity, which have been important in the history of humanity.

Solidarnosc ("Solidarity" en polaco) es el nombre que recibe una federación de raíz sindical y carácter autónomo e independiente, que surgió como consecuencia de las luchas que obreros y campesinos llevaron a cabo bajo directrices de Lech Walesa. Fue establecida en September 1980 y está valorada como el mayor sindicato de todos los tiempos.

Solidaridad , finally, is also the identity of a Mexican municipality that belongs to the state of Quintana Roo . It was created on July 28, 1993 , while Mario Villanueva Madrid was in power. Playa del Carmen is the main town in the region.