Definition of



Although each person is unique, unrepeatable and valuable, there are beings who manage to stand out and stand out due to some quality, condition or feat that makes a difference.

Outstanding is a term that is frequently used in multiple areas and contexts. According to theory, and as proven in its practical application, this word from the Spanish language works as an adjective and is intended to exalt something or someone who stands out and stands out for some reason.

It is common for this word to be used in the educational area when evaluating the knowledge and performance of students. Outstanding , in this framework, is the maximum qualification and is achieved by developing exceptional performance , being academically brilliant and/or by demonstrating excellent behavior in the classroom. The behavior of a student is judged as outstanding by observing signs of camaraderie, respect for others, good manners, compliance with instructions, etc., just as the teacher leaves an "Outstanding" every time the test or evaluation of a student has no errors and is correctly resolved, without any exercise or question pending resolution.

In artistic matters, meanwhile, this expression is used as the title of films, books, songs and plays. In 1953 , for example, a film of Spanish origin called "Sobresaliente" was released, while in 2006 a reading option signed by Pascal Alan Nazareth titled "Gandhi's outstanding leadership" came to light. The notion of "outstanding" also appears in the musical legacy of the band Alta Tensión .

Outstanding skills and attitudes

Someone is considered to have outstanding aptitudes and attitudes when they demonstrate notable conditions, admirable abilities and achieve, with sacrifice, talent , dedication and commitment, a prominent role in their field.

You can be acclaimed in numerous areas for your successes, be amazingly good at a certain activity, or be deserving of praise for some feat or action worth highlighting .

If one is impressively capable on a motor, artistic, scientific or humanistic level, then it is inevitable that one's gift or suitability will be evident. To determine if a subject has outstanding characteristics , parameters linked to the creative side, their artistic abilities, their socio-affective abilities, their intellectual achievements and psychomotor competitiveness are generally observed and analyzed.

Although it is a privilege to have resources, attributes and opportunities to deploy all the potential that a person has and evolve individually while being socially recognized for it, it is possible to aspire to be outstanding by cultivating an innovative and inspiring spirit.

Strategies to achieve excellence

To achieve excellence and have the chance to excel in any segment (student, work, sports, social, etc.) it is necessary to implement certain strategies and exhaust all the tools available to meet said goal.

The path that leads to superiority and leadership requires, in principle, perseverance, firmness and will. Proactivity, optimism, flexibility, passion and courage to pursue a goal increase the chances of embracing excellence .


Being virtuous and having extraordinary performance in a discipline, function, competition or work leads to success, achieving triumphs and adding prestige.

If you want to stand out and shine, you have to use your imagination and creativity , searching through them for effective and original solutions or proposals. Within the area associated with employment, in addition, you must demonstrate professionalism, own initiative, suitability and ethics.

Knowing how to express oneself, being able to establish and maintain optimal communication , experiencing active listening , having empathy and being open to constant learning are other issues that enrich those who are good at something that allows them to stand out from the crowd.

People, institutions and figures considered outstanding

There are many cases in the world of people, institutions and figures considered outstanding . Although one must know how to recognize when the qualification is exaggerated or in which cases the application of the adjective is punctual and transitory, the truth is that this assessment is used in the face of an unparalleled event, dazzling results or statistics and illustrious personalities . Nor should we lose sight of the fact that not all of society has to agree with the vision that leads an individual, organization or State to grant a decoration aimed at recognizing and celebrating the excellence and distinction of a human being, project or establishment.

Some time ago, for example, members of the Argentine Academy of Letters stipulated to distinguish the Argentine linguist, essayist and poet Ivonne Bordelois with the title of Outstanding Personality of Letters .

At the end of a sporting event, however, Carlo Ancelotti , coach of Real Madrid , assured that the Ukrainian goalkeeper Andriy Lunin had an "outstanding" performance in the match his team played with RB Leipzig .


You can try to be outstanding in different fields and even achieve the excellence and distinction sought, but you must always be a good person, with noble values ​​and essence because that is, in truth, what allows you to make a difference.

In an article published in 2017 by the Uruguayan media El Observador , on the other hand, "Three unknowns" was presented as outstanding , a work that nourishes the literary production of the experienced and renowned French author Patrick Modiano , who in 2014 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature . In the search for more examples of the application of the concept, we reached a note broadcast in December 2022 by CNN en Español in which the artistic performance that Brendan Fraser had in the film The Whale is described as "outstanding."