Definition of



A simulation is a representation.

A simulacrum is an imitation , forgery or fiction . The concept, which comes from the Latin simulacrum , is associated with simulation , which is the action of simulating .

The simulacrum, therefore, involves the representation of something, pretending that which is not . For example: “The children will participate in a fire drill tomorrow so that their teachers can explain to them how to act in emergency cases,” “Don't worry, it's just a drill,” “Fourteen hospitals will participate in the disaster drill organized by the municipal authorities .

Drill in the military field

In the field of the army , a feigned war action is known as a simulation. This allows mechanisms, strategies and tactics to be adjusted in a controlled environment so that, in the event of a real war, military operation is satisfactory.

In this sense, a drill can simulate an attack on a barracks. Superiors, therefore, must analyze the reaction of the soldiers and the response times to determine if it is necessary to carry out some type of instruction or modify any action protocol.

Flight experience

Flight simulators , for their part, offer a simulation of the experience of flying an aircraft. These systems seek to reproduce all real variables as accurately as possible. Thus, pilots can practice with these simulators before flying a plane, where errors can be fatal. If a failure is recorded in a simulation, however, no tragedy occurs, since these systems simulate real conditions thanks to mechanical and virtual devices but without risk.

The importance of the drill lies in the fact that it is part of the prevention measures , the best way to avoid or reduce the collateral effects of a catastrophe. A very common type of drill is the evacuation of buildings , to adequately train the teams specialized in rescue and assistance, as well as the owners, tenants and workers who may be inside a building in the middle of an emergency, which may be a flood, a fire or an earthquake , among other possibilities.


A simulation allows you to reproduce or imitate an experience.

Evacuation drill

The evacuation drill is part of the group of internal property civil protection programs, which are developed to evaluate and adjust the efficiency of emergency plans. One of the main objectives of these measures is to make all individuals involved in a risk situation become protagonists and defend their own safety consciously, with sufficient tools and knowledge to act towards a solution, in rather than contributing to the problem through hysteria or inactivity.

It is worth mentioning that there are many variables to take into account in an emergency, which is why you should not always react in the same way to a similar situation; For example, sometimes fires do not lead to an immediate evacuation of the property, since it is also important to ensure that the surrounding area is in good condition and does not present other dangers to those who leave it.

It is possible to distinguish between several types of simulation, which are organized into three large groups:

  • Due to their scope : they can be partial or total, the latter being the ones that reach the end of the representation, covering all the possibilities and nuances of the situation represented.
  • Due to its programming : with and without prior notice. This depends on the objective of the drill, and the decision to anticipate it or not often responds to the age and condition of the people involved, to avoid potential health complications in individuals with heart problems, or in very young children, for example.
  • Due to its function : office (planning prior to execution) and field (the implementation of the drill on the property).

Simulacrum, finally, is an image made in the likeness of something or someone .